Sunday, 22 March 2015

Ancient supernova had enough dust to make 7,000 earths

The Cassiopeia A nebula is the gaseous remnant of a supernova explosion whose light reached the Earth around the year 1680.

Excerpt from

A recent discovery has revealed

that a supernovae is capable enough producing such quantities of cosmic

dust that it can yield thousands of Earths.

An international team of researchers analyzed data obtained by SOFIA –

a NASA and German Aerospace Center’s Stratospheric Observatory for

Infrared Astronomy project – which took images of a cosmic dust cloud.

Supernova remant. Image Credit: NASA/CXO/Herschel/VLA/Lau et al

“This discovery is a special feather in the cap for SOFIA,

demonstrating how observations made within our own Milky Way galaxy can

bear directly on our understanding of the evolution of galaxies billions

of light years away,” said Pamela Marcum, one of the researchers.

The team made measurements of long infrared wavelengths of the

Supernova Remnant Sagittarius A East, gaining an estimate for the total

mass of dust within the cloud based on what it released.

SOFIA, an enhanced Boeing 747 with high end telescope, flies in altitudes between 39,000 to 45,000 feet to capture its images.

Astronomers already knew that the shock waves of supernovas produce high concentrations of dust when they move outward.

The question was whether the cosmic particles could withstand the intense shock waves.

“The dust survived the later onslaught of shock waves from the

supernova explosion, and is now flowing into the interstellar medium

where it can become part of the ‘seed material’ for new stars and

planets,” said Ryan Lau, of Cornell University, who led the research


This new discovery encouraged the idea that the vast quantities of

dust seen in remote yet fairly young galaxies may have been produced by

the explosions of large stars that were actually much older.

The research was published in Science magazine on Thursday.

Source Article from

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