Tuesday 5 May 2015

Texas Hebdo Redux: Free Speech for Illuminati Only


May 4, 2015




The Vigilant Citizen ad

Comments for “Texas Hebdo Redux: Free Speech for Illuminati Only”

Richard said (May 5, 2015):

I’ve been surprised they weren’t able to come up with a better Hebdo copy-cat op than this poorly scripted scenario.

The Paris operation killed over a dozen fairly well known cartoonists, plus several more innocent bystanders in a deli.

To be comparable with Charlie Hebdo, the gunmen would have had to have been allowed to march into the hall and kill at least a dozen identifiable people; then escape to the nearest deli, and shoot some more before going down in a hail of bullets on video.

All that I see going on here is a couple of black guys got gunned down by a bunch of white cops, without witnesses.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Source Article from http://henrymakow.com/2015/05/free-speech-for-Illuminati-only.html

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