Tuesday 5 May 2015

Water may have been abundant a short billion years after Big Bang

Excerpt from thespacereporter.com

The formation of water vapor after the Big

Bang was constrained by the lack of oxygen; it and other elements

heavier than hydrogen and helium were created only later on, in the

death throes of the first generation of massive stars. Oxygen created by

the demises of early stars was swept out in to space by the explosions

of supernovae and stellar winds, eventually joining with hydrogen to

form water.

This process created islands of gas replete with heavy elements, such

as oxygen; these regions were more bereft of oxygen than gaseous

regions in the modern Milky Way galaxy. However, a new study by Tel Aviv

University and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)

has determined that, in certain islands, water vapor might have been as

plentiful as it is today, only a billion years after the Big Bang.

According to a CfA statement,

the researchers looked at whether water could form in the primordial

molecular clouds, which were deficient in oxygen. Their analysis

indicated that large quantities of water could form at around 80 degrees

Fahrenheit. Water molecules would have been shattered by ultraviolet

light emitted by stars; however, after hundreds of millions of years, an

equilibrium between water creation and destruction would be reached.

“We looked at the chemistry within young molecular clouds containing a

thousand times less oxygen than our Sun. To our surprise, we found we

can get as much water vapor as we see in our own galaxy,” said

astrophysicist Avi Loeb of CfA.

The new study has been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal and is accessible online.

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AscensionEarth2012/~3/tGdkCGpt0Nk/water-may-have-been-abundant-short.html

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