Tuesday 5 May 2015

‘Whoremonger’ Menendez Nailed!

‘Whoremonger’ Menendez Nailed!

America In Decline Articles

‘Whoremonger’ Menendez Nailed!
By Brother Nathanael Kapner April 18, 2015 ©

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ALLEGED ‘WHOREMONGER’ Senator ‘Bobby’ Menendez has been charged with 14 counts of corruption including conspiracy, lying, and eight counts of bribery.

The “bribery” charges are viewed by many as “money flowing freely into Menendez’s campaign coffers” for “political favors,” that is, putting Jew interests before America’s.

Menendez is accused of using his influence to benefit Salomon Melgen, a Florida eye doctor, who Menendez admits is a long-time friend (Read: his Jew bagel man…that is, how does a Cuban become a Jew’s friend?)

Melgen, 60, appeared in a federal court in West Palm Beach this week, shackled and in a navy blue prison jumpsuit.

Two weeks after being charged in New Jersey for corruption linked to his ‘close friend’ Menendez, Melgen was indicted on 76 counts of Medicare fraud in trying to bilk the program out of $190 million.

And now with Menendez facing multiple charges, it’s no surprise that pro-Israel, Jew donors in New York are currently stepping up fundraising for Menendez to pay his legal fees.

Jews hail Menendez as a “stalwart friend of Israel”…read: a goy on Jewry’s pay role.

“Every one of us should donate SOMETHING to the defense of this righteous gentile,” Jeffrey Wiesenfeld, a hedge fund Jew who held senior posts for New York Republicans, wrote in an email to conservative Jewish donors.

WHAT’S A ‘righteous gentile’ anyways? A whoremonger who does Jewry’s bidding?

But the New Jersey prosecutors don’t see Menendez as some ‘righteous Gentile.’

Instead, they claim Menendez intervened on Melgen’s behalf to gain visas for his foreign girlfriends; press Dominican officials to honor a lucrative port contract for one of his businesses; and influence Medicare officials on billing disputes.

In exchange, Melgen showered the senator with flights, vacations and contributions.

Hmm…Who are these “foreign girlfriends?” Tell me more, tell me more.


OWNING A US SENATOR in one easy blackmail is what our Jew-controlled democracy is all about when it comes to advancing Jewish interests over America’s.

Where did Bobby Menendez “screw” up that he should be caught in the lair of Jewish vampires who blackmail hacks on Capitol Hill?

By reportedly fornicating with adolescent Hispanic girls, that’s how.

Leading a group of Jew-bought Senators in June 2012, Menendez was the prime signer of a Letter To Obama urging him to forgo negotiations with Iran, Jewry’s favorite enemy.

Four months prior to Menendez signing over his soul to democracy-ruining Jews, an American escort revealed that Menendez was a “regular client,” a “serial hobbyist,” who “sees lots of girls” for paid sexual trysts.

Enter Salomon Melgen, fat cat Jew, who sponsored Bobby’s Dominican adventures.

Flying on Melgen’s private jet for weekend excursions complete with a sexy stewardess, Menendez used Melgen’s services for the “fornicating services” of a long list of Dominican Republic’s prostitution cache.

SUDDENLY FOLLOWING an FBI investigation exposing Bobby’s whoring around on Melgen’s tab, the prostitutes appeared on Jew-owned ABC, saying they were paid off to make the accusations.

Even one of the prostitutes originally pegging Menendez disappeared and became “non-existent.”

It wouldn’t be the first time Jews would murder to protect their interests. Shielding Goyim shills can come at a high price.

What comes at a higher price is how a US senator with a penchant for ’screwing around’ can ’screw’ Americans he’s obligated to represent.

But that’s what happens when JEWS run and ruin a country.


For More See: The Futility Of American Elections Click Here

And: Bad Start With Hillary Click Here

And: Dirty Tactics Of The Jewish Lobby Click Here

And: 4 Point Plan To Stop AIPAC Click Here


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Brother Nathanael @ April 18, 2015

Source Article from http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1024

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