Excerpt from theblaze.com
When asked whether 2014 was the warmest year so far on record,
scientists within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
said it’s “more unlikely than likely.” In its annual “state of the
climate” analysis, climate experts could say with only 48 percent
certainty that 2014 was the warmest year on record.
However, scientists were 90.4 percent sure it was one of the five
warmest years while they were nearly postive (99.2 percent) 2014 was one
of the 10 warmest years. Meanwhile, there was no doubt that last year
was one of the 20 warmest years on record, nor was there any question of
2014 being warmer than the average in the 20th century and warmer than
the average from 1981- 2010:
- Warmest year on record: 48 percent
- One of the five warmest years: 90.4 percent
- One of the 10 warmest years: 99.2 percent
- One of the 20 warmest years: 100 percent
- Warmer than the 20th century average: 100 percent
- Warmer than the 1981-2010 average: 100 percent
Of those percentages, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association’s National Climatic Data Center gave descriptors that
indicate the certainty of such predictions, with 33.3 percent to 50
percent (the degree of certainty with which scientists asserted 2014 was
the warmest) categorized as “more unlikely than likely.”
Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AscensionEarth2012/~3/9i7Talqh0lw/experts-say-its-more-unlikely-than.html
Experts Say It’s ‘More Unlikely Than Likely’ That 2014 Was Hottest Year on Record
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