Friday 6 February 2015

02-06-15 -- Ademo Freeman - Dan Krol - Brian Sovryn -- LISTEN LIVE on LRN.FM, M-F, 9-Noon (EST)

Ademo Freeman


, CopBlock Protection Membership

 Hour 1 — Ademo Freeman (CopBlock.Org) on CopBlock Protection Memberships

 Hour 2 — Dan Krol (ItsNotGov.Org) on how to live without government

 Hour 3 — Brian Sovryn (host of Soveryn Tech) comes back on the show to talk about Sound Cloud; Dark Android

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800

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February 6th, 2015

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday – Friday

9 a.m. – Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

Ademo Freeman

Co Founder of CopBlock.Org


Introducing CopBlock org Protection Video:

CopBlock Protection Memberships

CopBlockPro Banner

Are you passionate about police accountability?

Would you like to protect yourself from police encounters while building a network to actively advance the mission of police accountability?

CLICK HERE to sign up for your CopBlock Protection Membership

Then a CopBlock Protection Membership is just for you.

Below you’ll find information detailing what becoming a CopBlock Protection Members means. Carefully review details and please contact us with any questions at protection[at] (remember to remove brackets).

What is a CopBlock Protection Membership?

A CopBlock Protection Membership is your acknowledgement that “Badges Don’t Grant Extra Rights” and an innovative way to protect yourself AFTER a police interaction. CopBlock Protection Members have peace of mind knowing that if they ever have police interaction, a CopBlock Protection Specialist will work directly with them to highlight the member’s encounter with law enforcement.

How does a CopBlock Protection Membership work?

A CopBlock Protection Membership works by providing individuals with services that utilize tactics which have made the internet presence it is today. After selecting a Membership (see below) and providing your donation, a Specialist will be on standby to assist you. On top of the new media and social network assistance (detailed below), CopBlock Protection funds will also help to maintain’s website (in conjunction with current means); create educational handouts; produce regular (video/blog) content, original social media content, and a monthly Members-only newsletter; assist local groups; and generate additional merchandise–all to further expand the message that “Badges Don’t Grant Extra Rights.”

CopBlock Protection Memberships Available:

Basic Membership

A qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will conduct an interview, and:

Publish Blog Post at – The site has hundreds of thousands of unique viewers each month

Distribution via’s Social Networks – Twitter, Facebook – with its 1.4 million likes – and Youtube for unprecedented exposure

Media Push – A qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will discuss your story during weekly media appearances

Basic Membership: $7/month or less if you prepay for any three ($19, save $2), six ($37, save $5) or twelve month ($68, save $16) plan.

Premium Membership

A qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will work with member to create:

Press Release – creation of and distribution to local/national media outlets

Follow ups – Some cases are dragged out for long periods of time, but a qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will be there every step of the way

Meta Post – A qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will create a one-stop-shop for all your posts, providing you with one easy URL to share your story and subsequent updates

Form Plan of Action – Unsure of how to respond to police aggression? Let a qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist brainstorm ideas, tactics and help you organize events to highlight your case

Assist with Plan of Action – A qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will be there to help see your plan of action through to the end

Premium Membership: $15/month or less if you prepay for three ($41, save $4), six ($79, save $11) or twelve month ($144, save $36) plan.

VIP Membership:

A qualified CopBlock Protection Specialist will:

Video – Create a video (shooting and editing) of your story, if applicable

Media Push – Press releases, interviews and mentions (regular rotation)

Social Network Push – Create graphics and post story in relavant groups/pages/areas

Gather Information – From simple background searches to Freedom of Information requests

Man on the Ground* – Have a CopBlock Protection Specialist on the ground with you to assist with events, interviews and much, much more *Man on the ground is subject to circumstances. For example, minor traffic offenses will not warrant on-site attention, but a CopBlock Protection Specialist will provide remaining aspects.*

VIP Membership: $50/month or less if you prepay for any three ($138, save $12), six ($264, save $36) or twelve month ($480, save $120) plan

Every month, members will receive a breakdown of CopBlock Protection Memberships including, but not limited to, the number of new members, new content created, and what’s on tap for next month via CopBlock Protection’s (members only) Monthly E-Newsletter. This will also contain news, tips, and tactics to keep you safe during police interactions.

Once you’ve sent the donation via the PayPal buttons above, a CopBlock Protection Specialist will email you to confirm your Membership. This may take up to 24 hours. We’ll be streamlining this feature in the near future and appreciate your patience in the meantime.

NOTICE: CopBlock Protection Specialist do NOT offer legal advice nor is there a guarantee that CopBlock Protection will keep you from wrongful prosecution. Our primary function is to share your story, provide assistance, and help Members win in the court of public opinion.


Below are two videos regarding CopBlock Protection, one was filmed two years ago and the other just last week.

CLICK HERE to sign up for your CopBlock Protection Membership

Source Article from

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