Sunday 15 February 2015

Cops Attempt Illegal Search for Imaginary Weapon (Video)

A reader named Jason Sparks shared the video content below, regarding the service several employees of the Holly Hill (FL) Police Dept. provided to him recently, via the Cop Block Submissions page. Under the pretense that he was carrying a weapon they confronted him and attempted to force him to submit to an illegal search. Fortunately, Jason knows his rights and was ready to film the people threatening him. So, they eventually left without violating his privacy or committing any sort of violent attack upon him.

Holly Hill FL Illegal Search AttemptHolly Hill FL Illegal Search AttemptHolly Hill FL Illegal Search AttemptDate of Incident: February 11, 2015
Individuals Involved: Officer Booneville, Officer Milne, Officer Champion and at least one other unidentified employee of the Holly Hill Police Dept.
Outfit Involved: Holly Hill (FL) Police Department
Contact: Stephen Aldrich – Police Chief
Phone: 386-248-9475
Fax: 386-248-9480
Email: [email protected]
Area Cop Block Affiliate: There are numerous Cop Block groups (see bottom of post for list of known affiliates) within Florida, including Florida Cop Watch. In addition, if you live outside Florida, you can find the appropriate affiliate in your area by consulting the Cop Block Groups page or by Starting a Local Group.

Florida Cop Block Affiliates

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“Pulled Over Walking. Cops Say I Have a Weapon.”

Source Article from

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