Monday 9 February 2015

“Distracted” Cop Speeds 2x Over Limit Through a Red Light and Smashes Into Car With Passengers, Doesn’t Get a Ticket

police officer accident

SHREVEPORT — What would happen to you if you started speeding in your car at two times more than the speed limit, ran a red light, and then rammed into another vehicle full of passengers?

What would happen if you said you did it because you were “distracted”?

Well, it depends.

If you were wearing a special blue costume before the accident, then you would get away with it and you wouldn’t be issued a ticket at all.

That’s what happened with Officer Marie Jones when she was speeding west on Olive.

Officer Jones was zooming at more than double the legal speed limit in her patrol car.

As she blazed down the road, she then ran right through a red light.

It was at that moment that she collided with another car full of people and rammed it off the road, T-boning it.

That car was occupied by a 20-yr-old young man and two other passengers.

Officer Jones told responders that she was “looking away” from the roadway as she was speeding at 62 miles an hour in a 30 MPH zone.

Thankfully, the passengers in the other vehicle were not seriously injured.

RELATED: Officer With History of “Inattentive Driving” Runs Over 101-Yr-Old Woman, No Charges for Cop

What has angered many is that Officer Jones was never issued a ticket for her negligent driving — illustrating once again that as long as you wear a special costume and join a group of individuals who call themselves “government,” you can get away with virtually anything.


Source Article from

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