Wednesday 18 February 2015

Mysterious plumes in Mars’ atmosphere baffle astronomers

Excerpt from

Astronomers are baffled by images of plumes rising from Mars’

atmosphere in images taken by amateur astronomers in March and April


The plumes were present for about 10 days though their shapes and

sizes changed rapidly during that time, from finger-like tendrils to

spherical blobs.

Researchers have proposed several possible explanations for the

plumes, which are discussed in an article just published in the journal Nature.

Each of the theories being considered poses problems. One theory, for

instaqnce, proposes the plumes are caused by the same magnetic

influence that causes the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights, on

Earth. The movement of electrically charged particles from the Sun,

driven by the solar wind towards Earth’s poles, results in these

particles colliding with molecules of gas. These collisions produce the

strange lights known as aurorae.

In the study, the researchers admit, “Mars aurorae have been observed

near where the plume occurs, a region with a large anomaly in the

crustal magnetic field that can drive the precipitation of solar wind

particles into the atmosphere.”

The problem with this theory is this would only happen if the Sun

released an exceptional amount of energetic particles during the time

the plumes were seen. Yet the level of solar output in 2012 was nowhere

near sufficient to release such a powerful stream of particles, the

authors of the paper acknowledge.

They move on to consider another option, namely that the plumes might be clouds high in the Martian atmosphere.

A highly reflective cloud of either water ice, carbon dioxide ice, or

dust particles could explain the plumes. But according to computer

models, the presence of these clouds “would require exceptional

deviations from standard atmospheric circulation models to explain cloud

formations at such high altitudes,” explained the paper’s lead author,

Agustin Sanchez-Lavega of the Universidad del Pais Vasco in Spain.

The plumes were seen approximately 120 miles (200 km) from Mars’

surface, which is problematic because the highest Martian clouds are

seen is 60 miles (100 km) above the planet’s surface. The only way water

can condense so far up is if the temperature in that part of Mars’

atmosphere drops 370 degrees Fahrenheit, or 50 degrees Kelvin, below its


Condensation of carbon dioxide would require twice this temperature drop.

A third theory posits the flumes are caused by atmospheric dust. A

wind powerful enough to transport dust 111 miles (180 km) above Mars’

surface could occur only around noon, when the Sun’s heat would be

strong enough to create such wind currents.

However, the plumes were seen not at noon but in the mornings along

the terminator that separates the planet’s day and night sides.

Recently, data from the Hubble Space Telescope was found showing the plumes back in 1997.

Source Article from

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