Thursday 5 February 2015

New internet neutrality: FCC chairman proposes strong new rules

Under FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal, AT&T couldn’t block

users from accessing Netflix or slow down YouTube’s Internet streams.

Nor could it give preferential treatment to calls made with Skype over

those made with Vonage.

Wheeler said the new rules are intended to “preserve the Internet as an open platform for innovation and free expression.”

FILE - In this Oct. 8, 2014 file photo, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler speaks during news conference in Washington.


The proposal, which Wheeler said he will circulate to his fellow

commissioners this week and which would be voted on Feb. 26, represents

the latest effort by the FCC to guarantee so-called “net neutrality”

after two prior efforts were overturned by a federal appeals court.

Unlike those efforts, the FCC has grounded the new rules in its

authority under Title II of the Communications Act, which gives it the

ability to regulate “common carriers” such as traditional telephone and

telegraph providers.

Anticipating a backlash from industry and anti-regulatory

Republicans in Congress, Wheeler noted that the Internet came into being

in part thanks to previous rules set by the FCC and that the wireless

industry has thrived despite having similar rules in place.

Wheeler had telegraphed the new approach to regulating Internet

providers earlier this month in an appearance at the Consumer

Electronics Show in Las Vegas. But the move represents a sharp turnabout

for both him and the agency. Under the Bush administration in the early

2000s the FCC decided to stop applying common carrier regulations to

broadband access. And while the agency had long supported net neutrality

rules, it previously resisted basing them on its authority over common


Consumers, Internet companies and even President Obama had urged

the FCC to rethink its approach, and the two other Democrats on the

five-member commission are expected to support Wheeler’s move. But

Republicans in Congress have been working to head off the FCC with their

own net neutrality proposal. Regardless of how that turns out, another

court challenge is all but inevitable.

On Wednesday, consumer

advocates and Internet companies praised Wheeler for listening to their

call to reclassify Internet access as a common carrier service, much

like a utility is treated as a common asset, although they hadn’t yet

seen the proposal and warned that the rules could change between now and

when the agency votes on them in three weeks.

“Title II is

exactly the right law for the FCC to be using for net neutrality,” said

Matt Wood, a policy director at Free Press, a consumer advocacy group.

“Frankly, it’s something we and millions of others been calling for now

for more than decade.”

By contrast, broadband companies,

anti-regulatory groups and some technology advocates decried the

proposal, accusing the FCC of overreaching its authority and warning

that the new regulations would discourage investment in broadband.


move to reclassify broadband “is an unjustified, overblown response to

what has in actuality been a by-and-large hypothetical concern” about

blocking or throttling access to websites and services, said Doug Brake,

a telecommunications policy analyst at the Information Technology and

Innovation Foundation, a public policy think tank.

Like previous

net neutrality rules, the new regulations would bar Internet service

providers from blocking or slowing down access to sites or services. It

would also ban them from creating “fast lanes” for their own sites and

services or for partners that paid extra to have their traffic speeded


For the first time, though, the new rules would fully apply to

both landline Internet providers and wireless carriers. Past net

neutrality rules gave more leeway to wireless Internet providers than

wired ones. But in an email describing the new rules, the FCC noted that

some 55 percent of Internet traffic now travels over the cellular

carriers’ networks.

Internet companies were glad to see wireless

access included in the new rules. “There is only one Internet, and users

expect that they be able to access an uncensored Internet regardless of

how they connect,” Michael Beckerman, CEO of the Internet Association,

an industry lobbying group that includes companies such as Google,

Netflix and eBay, said in a statement.

But the CTIA, the wireless

industry trade group, argued that Congress hasn’t given the FCC the

authority to regulate wireless broadband access as a common carrier


“We are concerned that the FCC’s proposed approach could

jeopardize our world leading mobile broadband market and result in

significant uncertainty for years to come,” Meredith Attwell Baker, the

group’s CEO, said in a statement.

The new rules would also give

the FCC the power to oversee interconnection agreements between website

operators and Internet providers. As big Web service providers such as

Google have started to account for larger and larger portions of total

Internet traffic, Internet providers have forced those companies to pay

for upgrading their connections to the Internet companies’ networks.


deals came under scrutiny — and were brought into the net neutrality

deliberations — after Netflix CEO Reed Hastings complained last year

that Internet providers including Comcast were intentionally throttling

customers’ access to its videos in an effort to force Netflix to pay to

upgrade its connections to their networks. Netflix ended up succumbing

to those demands — after which, its customers immediately saw their

service improve.

“If such an oversight process had been in place

last year, we certainly would’ve used it,” company spokeswoman Anne

Marie Squeo said in a statement.

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