Saturday 14 February 2015

SpaceX Rocket's Stunning View of Our Home Planet

Falcon 9 Carrying DSCOVR to L1
Image of Earth taken by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket

Excerpt from

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket made its first foray into deep space this

week, depositing a U.S. space weather satellite into an orbit that

eventually will reach more than four times farther away than the moon.

The rocket’s upper-stage deposited the Deep Space Climate

Observatory, nicknamed DSCOVR, into an initial orbit that stretched more

than 770,000 miles from Earth. From there, DSCOVR will spend the next

110 days getting itself into its operational orbit 930,000 miles from

Earth and circling the sun.

A camera aboard the upper-stage shared the view. More pictures

will be coming from DSCOVR. Though its main mission is to monitor the

sun for potentially dangerous geomagnetic storms, the satellite has a

camera that will be pointed to the sun-lit side of Earth. Pictures will

be taken every two hours and posted on the Internet the following day.

Source Article from

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