Friday 13 February 2015

Stephen Hawking warns that attempting to contact aliens could invite disaster

Excerpt from

What is known as Active Seti will be under serious discussion this

week at the annual meeting of the American Association for the

Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Jose, California.

Seti spokesman Dr Seth Shostak outlined methods being

explored of conducting Active Seti within the next two years – including

the possibility of nurturing an alien interest in cricket and rock


The idea would be to flood the ETs with lively content from the internet rather than bore them with mathematical concepts or chemical equations.

Stephen Hawking. Credit: Nick Ansell/PA Wire
Stephen Hawking. Credit: Nick Ansell/PA Wire

But the Cambridge physicist has warned against inviting an

unwelcome visit from aliens, pointing out: “The outcome would be much as

when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the

Native Americans.”


number of other experts agree with Prof Hawking – including scientist,

author and futurist Dr David Brin, who is taking part in the AAAS


He said: “If you bring human history into the discussion, there is a cautionary tale. Name one example of a meeting between an advanced civilisation and a less technically advanced one that did not end in tears.


because the probability of a negative outcome is very low that does not

mean it is zero. The existence of low probability outcomes that might

be devastatingly negative is worth pondering.”

On the methods, Dr Shostak, director of the Centre for Seti

Research in Mountain View, California, said: “I think you’d want to

send lots of information. I recommend that we send the entire internet,

the Google servers.


it all. If they look up cricket, there are descriptions, pictures,

diagrams showing a pitch, footage.. They’ll cross-correlate all this and

put it together and if they are clever at all, they will figure out

something about cricket.

“Honestly, what do they want to hear from us? Do they want

to hear what the structure of the hydrogen atom is? No, they know that.

They want to know about our rock ‘n roll.”


dates back to 1960 when a young astronomer called Frank Drake conducted

the first microwave radio search for intelligent signals from other

solar systems.

Since then about 100 searches have been made for radio or

laser-transmitted messages from the stars, none of which have confirmed

the existence of an extraterrestrial civilisation.


few isolated attempts have also been made to contact ETs directly by

broadcasting signals. But now a number of scientists, including Dr

Shostak, believe what is needed is a full scale co-ordinated Active Seti


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