Wednesday 4 February 2015

URGENT GOFUNDME: Send Geoengineering Activist to AAAS Conference


AAAS Annual Meeting – Feb 12 – 16 February 2015, San Jose, CA 

Mr Max BlissHello friends…. following the success of the Berlin Climate Engineering Conference… it has been suggested that we attend as many climate conferences as possible, particularly those linked to climate engineering to represent a growing public concern.

There are important conferences coming up soon in San Jose- USA(Feb), Cambridge- UK (March) and Paris- France (July)  before the December UN Climate Treaty signing in Paris. These lead up conferences  are so important that many have suggested that must be attended in order to have our concerns raised and continue our efforts to contest the establishments agendas. We have no funds left as my 3 years plus full time activism and research has drained our personal resources but we are so close to the  global political changes such as Agenda 21 or the UN Climate Change treaty of Paris December 2015 –  which are based on fraudulent claims to decieve the masses into submission to a one world government system of tyranny.

We can and do make a difference  to stop their insane programs, so please help by supporting us and help raise the funds we need to attend these conferences, thank you so much every donation really helps us to confront the climate industry.

Please help to ensure the growing number of anti-climate engineering public have representation at these critical conferences. The decisions are not yet final and we the people have the power to stop the risk to risk climate engineering agenda.

BioMax Bliss is an independent researcher and activist. He is truly a grass roots activist that has created a stir in the chemtrail movement. He was a keynote speaker at the first UK Chemtrail conference in London in 2012, then later in 2013 Max & fellow activists embarked with an anti chemtrail painted panel van on a tour of the south of England presenting at 7 conferences, (this also involved speaking on mainstream radio shows).  Later in the year Max was part of a team investigation exposing the advance stages of the regulations of Geoengineering at a Oxford University department. Max has been a guest on scores of radio shows, mainstream TV and alternative media interviews. Max attended David Keith’s talk at Oxford asking several compromising questions. Max Bliss recently participated in the Berlin Climate Engineering Conference 2014. Max sat in on the panel discussion for “Geoengineering to Geoweaponeering” and also gave a presenation to the world’s leading climate engineers about the chemtrail issue. Max was part of a small group of activists that asked sufficient pertinent questions to raise enough dissent at the Berlin Climate Engineering Conference 2014, that the so called Berlin Declaration, which was a document to gain  a public license to begin experimental deployment of climate engineering technologies was scrapped. Max has attended anti Geoengineering marches and contributed to a letter handed in to British Prime Minister at Downing Street. Max Bliss can be found on social media such as Facebook, You Tube and has a new blog in development

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