Saturday 7 February 2015

What's Behind the Measles Vaccination Hysteria?


February 6, 2015

measles-vaccine.jpgCould it be that, despite the

“scientific” cover being provided,
that the vaccination hysteria is

actually a covert drive to
preserve the enormous profits of the

pharmaceutical companies
which manufacture these nostrums?

Flashback- Measles back in the days before marketing of vaccines (YouTube)
Part Two – Intimidation of “Anti-Vaxxers”

By Michael Hoffman

On the basis of the alleged sovereignty of her body, a pregnant woman may choose to kill her unborn baby in an abortion, but that alleged sovereignty then vanishes when obligated to submit to a needle full of chemicals ordered by the government, under the rubric of vaccination.

What is the mysterious etiology of early-onset dementia, epidemic rates of allergies and cancer, and other diseases either not seen at all or not seen at these rates prior to the 1970s?

How is it that FDA-approved prescription medications are the fourth leading cause of death in America, with more than 100,000 deaths per year (Wall Street Journal, Feb. 3 p. B-8), about which the media report marginally and anemically in their back pages, if at all, while a hundred or so cases of measles rings every alarm bell in their arsenal of national mass panic?

Is there anything superior to natural immunity? To what extent is natural immunity impeded or enervated by vaccinations? Is it prudent to imagine that something so powerful as a vaccination, which can halt symptoms of certain powerful diseases, has no other effect either physiologically or on our immune system? It is completely rational to believe that vaccinations have no contraindications (“side effects”) other than slight fever, vertigo or inflammation at the injection site?

measleschart.jpg(left, This chart tends to confirm claims of vaccine supporters.)

Because many “scientists” sign off on the safety and efficacy of vaccinations does that signify that “Science” is on the side of the vaccinators? When is Science degraded into scientism? How many know the difference?

“Scientists,” with the infallible omniscience they imagine they possess, claim that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are completely safe to consume, even though such alleged safety can only be truly determined by decades of testing of those who ingest those substances.

“Scientists” claim there is no nutritional difference between organic crops and crops to which poison sprays have been applied.

“Scientists” say there is no nutritional difference between unpasteurized natural milk from grass-fed cows, and milk from cows treated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) and confined to feed lots where they are fed GMO grains.

Could it be that, despite the “scientific” cover being provided, that the vaccination hysteria is in actuality a covert drive to preserve the enormous profits of the pharmaceutical companies which manufacture these nostrums?

We live in insane times where the same physicians who insist we must all be vaccinated on scientific principles, assert on those same alleged principles, that a female impersonator who has never menstruated and never will menstruate, and who has no womb or other anatomical ability to give birth, becomes, after the injection of hormones and chemicals, a transgendered “woman.” Those who tell the simple truth about this masquerade are labeled by the same media that pushes vaccinations, as guilty of bigotry; indeed of “hate crimes.”

We live in insane times, where the pain of an innocent baby in abortion is of negligible concern to campaigners for the pain-free execution of convicted murderers.

With the decline of Biblical religion and faith in the God who inspired that Bible, man searches for an idol to worship —  one that possesses god-like qualities. Science has become a religion for a society that condemns any enforcement of God’s Law as superstitious fanaticism, but insists on the enforcement of the law of man according to the god of scientism.

No lengthy philosophical disquisition is necessary in order to discern that the insanity we observe in our society has its root in this fundamental transgression against the First Commandment.


Michael Hoffman is a Christian historian who writes from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. His latest book is Usury in Christendom. He is the executive editor of Revisionist History, a  newsletter published six times a year.

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Related- Fifth Toronto Measles Patient was Fully Vaccinated
————- Measles Outbreak Not Related to Non Vaccination Trend
————– Measles Vaccine Research is Fraudulent by Mike Adams (Thanks Mike B)
————–Truther Girl- Blaming the Unvaccinated -Disney Psy op

First Comment from AC:

As most of us who are middle-aged or older will remember, having measles was kind of a drag for a little while, but really, it was not the end of the world. Everybody got measles in the ’50s and ’60s. Sure, it could be dangerous for a small minority of people with serious health problems but for everyone else, it was just one of those things, a rite of passage.

The  chart may tend to confirm claims of vaccine supporters, but that’s largely because of its scale, and its focus on measles cases. If you consider the decline in measles mortality (which is really the only measles outcome of much concern), you will realize that improvements in sanitation and other factors had already hugely reduced all-cause mortality in the US, Canada, UK etc.populations Introduction of measles and other vaccines came on the coat-tail of tremendous mortality declines, and contributed almost nothing to this decline. Check out the attached graphs, which come from the excellent “Dissolving Illusions” site:

I just want to say something about flu vaccine. It has bearing on the measles question too.

The idea behind public health immunization campaigns is something called “herd immunity.” If most people are immune to an illness (because they have received an effective vaccine), transmission chains are broken and more of the “herd” remains healthy. The question arises: Am I being vaccinated so that everyone else is protected? That’s nice of me… But I didn’t give consent to be part of the “herd” and contribute to herd immunity. I consented to receive flu vaccine so that I would have less chance of getting sick with flu.

Meanwhile, CDC found that this year’s flu vaccine (supposedly) protected at most 23% of people who received it. If that’s true, it still prevented many thousands of flu cases and several thousand deaths. However, many millions of people took it without benefit, and without having been told that they were probably just going to be part of the herd. I’m not even going to get into the potential harms of taking influenza or other vaccines.

On top of this, three recent Cochrane systematic reviews have shown the minimal or unknown benefit in mass flu vaccination. Cochrane reviews are considered to be the “gold standard” in synthesizing medical and public health research. This is official, mainstream science. Here’s what the Cochrane reviews found:


To prevent one confirmed case of influenza in healthy adults (ages 16-65 years), 40 adults must be vaccinated. To prevent one case of influenza-like illness, 71 adults must be vaccinated.


To prevent one confirmed case of influenza in healthy children (ages 1-6 years), six children must be vaccinated. To prevent one confirmed case of influenza in children age 6-16 years, 28 children must be vaccinated. To prevent one confirmed case of influenza-like illness in children age 6-16 years, eight children must be vaccinated.


Despite including 75 studies, evidence quality was so low and the risk of bias from pharmaceutical industry sponsorship was so high that it was not possible to determine the effects of influenza vaccine in people age over 65 years.

Comments for “What’s Behind the Measles Vaccination Hysteria? “

Dan said (February 7, 2015):

Born in the mid 50’s, I got ‘vaccinated’ for mumps and measles, polio vaccine on a sugar cube, and a tetanus shot. Back then you weren’t vaccinated before age 4 and they only did it once. During the 60’s doctors didn’t give flu shots to children or teenagers. Any doctor or nurse would tell you that vaccines interfere with natural development of a strong immune system, and than only comes with catching the flu from time to time. The things they did vaccinate for carried a greater risk of permanent damage or even death. I wasn’t vaccinated for chicken pox because I’d already had it before the age the doctor would have recommended it.

I can tell you for sure I’d never heard of the term ‘autism’ before the mid 1970’s, or ‘ADD’ or Ritalin. Autism and even Down syndrome have been far too common, and it goes to the appalling number of vaccines children are subjected to now. Over a decade ago someone noticed that the Amish communities in the Midwest weren’t suffering the ‘mysterious autism pandemic’ with the rest of America.

I see, sadly, that last summer the Amish community of Ohio seems to have been targeted for measles. That’s the ‘new order’ for ya, “no child gets left behind”, nobody gets away. *

It’s alright for young, healthy people to avoid shots, except for tetanus. Chances are catching flu once in a while won’t even begin to endanger your life. However, that’s bad advice for older people or asthmatics, since it becomes like Russian Roulette relying on a declining immune system. Since I didn’t take annual shots during the 30 adult years that I was healthy, I’m not worried about losing my mental faculties from prolonged heavy metals poisoning.

* PBS: Ohio Amish begin vaccinations amid largest measles outbreak in recent U.S. history

Dan said (February 7, 2015):

Born in the mid 50’s, I got ‘vaccinated’ for mumps and measles, polio vaccine on a sugar cube, and a tetanus shot. Back then you weren’t vaccinated before age 4 and they only did it once. During the 60’s doctors didn’t give flu shots to children or teenagers. Any doctor or nurse would tell you that vaccines interfere with natural development of a strong immune system, and than only comes with catching the flu from time to time. The things they did vaccinate for carried a greater risk of permanent damage or even death. I wasn’t vaccinated for chicken pox because I’d already had it before the age the doctor would have recommended it.

I can tell you for sure I’d never heard of the term ‘autism’ before the mid 1970’s, or ‘ADD’ or Ritalin. Autism and even Down syndrome have been far too common, and it goes to the appalling number of vaccines children are subjected to now. Over a decade ago someone noticed that the Amish communities in the Midwest weren’t suffering the ‘mysterious autism pandemic’ with the rest of America.

I see, sadly, that last summer the Amish community of Ohio seems to have been targeted for measles. That’s the ‘new order’ for ya, “no child gets left behind”, nobody gets away. *

It’s alright for young, healthy people to avoid shots, except for tetanus. Chances are catching flu once in a while won’t even begin to endanger your life. However, that’s bad advice for older people or asthmatics, since it becomes like Russian Roulette relying on a declining immune system. Since I didn’t take annual shots during the 30 adult years that I was healthy, I’m not worried about losing my mental faculties from prolonged heavy metals poisoning.

* PBS: Ohio Amish begin vaccinations amid largest measles outbreak in recent U.S. history

CR said (February 6, 2015):

I work as a cook in a nursing home. Every year we are pressured to take flu shots and signs are put up saying that flu shots are “mandatory” for all employees, despite the fact that you can’t actually be forced to take the shot. Me and at least two other employees refuse to take the vaccination, so we are told that if there is a flu outbreak we are not allowed to work. I find that rule to be a bit strange because when there are outbreaks of other illnesses for which nobody is vaccinated (gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, etc.) we are still expected to work, so I can only assume that this rule is intended as a punishment for those that don’t comply. In the 6 years I have worked there I have only missed 3 shifts due to a flu outbreak and the following week I was replacing the employee who had ben replacing me because he now had the flu.

At the moment, there is a flu outbreak but I am still working because there is nobody available to replace me. So much for their scare tactics. Now, look at this – in a nursing home with 64 residents we have over 40 in isolation because they are infected with the flu virus and at least 5 in hospital (I work in the kitchen so I don’t have the exact numbers but I know who we are serving food to). There are also many employees who are sick with flu, including several who continue to work because part-time employees don’t receive sick days. I was sick myself on Monday and Tuesday but I got over it quickly, I wasn’t scheduled to work those days either. But remember what I said about everyone except me and two others taking the flu shot – it looks like it didn’t work very well this year at all. All the residents are vaccinated as well, so if 2/3 of the people receiving a vaccine still get sick from the virus it is intended to prevent, what does that tell you? We are being advised by the management to take Tamiflu – which costs over $200 and has psychosis as a side effect – even if we have been vaccinated and/or have no symptoms.

One thing to consider is that not everyone who comes in contact with the flu or any other virus is guaranteed to get infected. Just because 2/3 of residents are sick it doesn’t mean that the vaccine has a 33% success rate – more likely that those people wouldn’t have caught it either way. And another fact that is often overlooked is that many people who take the vaccine get the flu immediately after. We are all told that it is impossible to catch the flu from the shot and if you get sick it’s because your body was already infected with the virus before you were vaccinated. Even if that’s true, doesn’t that basically confirm that the vaccine weakens your immune system – you were infected with a virus but showing no symptoms because your immune system was strong enough to fight it, and coincidentally symptoms appeared right after taking a vaccine that is supposed to prevent it.

The cure is worse than the disease.

Al Thompson said (February 6, 2015):

Sales must be slow at the drug manufacturers. Vaccinations is a “honey hole” for them because they can get the “governments” to intimidate people into taking these vaccinations when they have no value whatsoever. Just follow the money, and you’ll know the motivation of the players involved.

It’s the same thing with cancer. It has been known since 1931 that cancer cannot exist in an oxygen rich environment. The scientist who discovered that was Otto Warburg; yet, instead of jumping on the discovery and adjusting medical treatment accordingly, they instead poison people with radiation, chemo therapy, and surgery.

But Hoffman really nails it in this article when he said: “Is there anything superior to natural immunity?” Obviously, the answer to that is a resounding, no. There’s no point in trying to fix something that isn’t broken. Scientists are not God nor will they ever be anything but a pathetic group of false god-wannabes. God make everything to exist in harmony with the natural law which only he can establish.

Most of the medications just don’t work, and vaccinations are one of the worst. Of course, if that information got out, there wouldn’t be much money to be made. One would think that the medical and scientific community would operate on a higher moral and ethical level, but sadly, money rules the roost.

LB said (February 6, 2015):

I suspect rising amount of ‘non-compliance’. Which is of course a positive sign, and the propaganda machine (aka wall street/big pharma/mainstream media) kicks into high gear.

As a father of 2 un-vaccinated kids, I can only recommend to stay away from this poison.

The oldest being 3 now – never suffered any serious sickness/complications. I have countless examples where my kids did fight through an infection quickly and without any help other then herbal supplements, while peers who contracted the germ, being fully vaccinated, had serious health problems (like pneumonia, ear infections, and in general a lot longer sickness duration)

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Source Article from

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