Wednesday 31 December 2014

Say No To Dog Meat – Demonstration, Rescue and Rehabilitation.

Say No To Dog Meat – Demonstration, Rescue and Rehabilitation.


An organisation called Say No To Dog Meat.Net are holding an event on the 4th April 2015 at 10:00 am internationally. The event that’s been in the planning since last year is to be held in many countries from London, Australia, Canada, America, Serbia, Indonesia, South Africa and more. For more information on Say No To Dog Meat’s global demonstration please click this >here< that will direct you to their Facebook page event forum.

Say No To Dog Meat was formed by three Chief Executive Officers that work within the environmental and animal rescue sector. The organisation has to date attracted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, readers and supporters to their cause. Say No To Dog Meat is within the transition process of becoming an Australian registered charity, furthermore have recently purchased a run down derelict building within Viet Nam of which will be their main Asian pet medical rescue and rehabilitation clinic. Once dogs and cats are safe from the clutches of pet eaters, traders and snatchers they will be re-homed internationally to loving and caring adopters.

The rescue and rehabilitation clinic is incredibly important to the three Chief Executive Officers their volunteers and staff. Say No To Dog Meat’s rescue and rehab clinic will be one of few such rescues within Viet Nam that actively help to remove strays of the streets within Viet Nam that have no home thus removing dogs and cats from the snatchers clutches whom feed into the cruel and diseased pet meat trade.


B.A.R.C. IS ALSO MARCHING WITH Say No To Dog Meat in their Global March for dogs and cats in the meat trade; 10am Saturday April 4th, 2015. Will you be marching with them too, in your country? For more information email Say No To Dog Meat here at – for a march location in your country. 

While the Organisation is being heavily supported by its sister Environmental Organisation – International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa via media, press and private funding, funds are limited. Say No To Dog Meat need public support both financially and via its supporters through sharing articles, news and helping with organizing events and educational classes worldwide to help reduce the pet trade through honest youth and adult education. Not forgetting educating the public about meat food viruses and viruses as a whole that are passed on or mutate from live or dead animals and meat kept in unsanitary conditions. Some amazing media articles have already been released about Say No To Dog Meat such as here on Dogster and even while underfunded Say No To Dog Meat have already helped shut down a small dog meat market and rescued dogs from the meat trade – Read more here 

A unique organisation:

Say No To Dog Meat are unique as their main ambition is not only to end the pet meat trade within Asia and Africa but also the cruel and barbaric bushmeat trade that poses a serious disease and health risk threat to humans and animals. The term bushmeat, also called wildmeat and game meat, refers to meat from non-domesticated mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds hunted for food in tropical forests. Commercial harvesting and the trade of wildlife is considered a threat to biodiversity and human security. Should the bushmeat trade trade continue to be ignored we’ll see catastrophic declines of wildlife in areas of Africa and Asia of which extinctions are already occurring both locally and regionally of some exotic species.

Say No To Dog Meat also appeals to all tourists visiting Viet Nam to please refrain from making their jobs harder to ban the trade. Its commercials such as this seen below that only feed the trade.


Mission Statement:

Say No To Dog Meat’s founders have decades of experience fighting this inhumane industry and have worked hard to achieve unprecedented access into areas of the trade not readily accessible to most outsiders. The organisations investigative work allows them to gather current, accurate and up-to-date information and images, evidence that is paramount in spreading global awareness and pressuring governmental organizations to enact enforceable animal welfare laws that protect companion animals. Ultimately, the organisations intention is to help create meaningful social and governmental change that results in a more humane world for dogs and cats and wildlife endangered by the bushmeat industry.

The organisation is determined to expose the cruel and ruthless activities within the dog and cat meat trade that are perpetrated by dog farmers, cat farmers, animal traffickers, butchers, vendors and dog and cat eating customers. “This is a billion dollar industry” Co-Founder Donna Armes stated, centered on live companion animals being tortured, killed and served as menu items. “It is a gruesome, violent trade that must be halted” stated Michelle Brown Director of Say No To Dog Meat and Co-Director for International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa.

Video below shows Viet Nam dog snatchers this October caught on CCTV – these dogs are most likely now dead – fed into a cruel and horrific pet meat industry, Say No To Dog Meat aims to stop this with new laws they are lobbying the Viet Nam government with on two separate petitions. 

By tackling poverty in the nations of Africa where dog meat is being consumed, Say No To Dog Meat will work with aid organisations and companies, as well as welfare groups and communities. Founder Dr Jose Depre states “we are positive that by improving dietary needs and wiping out poverty in these small areas of Africa, we can wipe out the dog meat trade and black market, thus decreasing infectious diseases, rabies, H1N1, mutations and food poisoning”.

Further to this awareness and education, within the arable agricultural section, Say No To Dog Meat hope to improve the lives of families and increase employment, thus decreasing crime, however the CEO stated “this is going to be the toughest area both within the pet meat industry and black market trade we’ve ever tackled, these actions will bring a better welfare for all though and we’ll not stop marching forwards for animal welfare nor will anyone get within our way in conquering our goals set, we have a job to do and we’re going to do it”


INDONESIA IS MARCHING WITH Say No To Dog Meat in their Global March for dogs and cats in the meat trade; 10am Saturday April 4th, 2015. Will you be marching with them too? For more info email Say No To Dog Meat.Net @ for a march location in your country. INDONESIAN SUPPORTERS: please join Animal Defenders Indonesia in the JAKARTA march.

Founders of Say No To Dog Meat aggressively opposes legislation that promotes or legalizes companion animal slaughter. They do not believe in the myth of “humane meat,” reject the concept of “humane slaughter” and strongly believe that dog and cat butchers cannot be relied upon to implement “humane” practices. The organisation founders also oppose dog farmers, cat farmers, slaughter unions, individual farmers or any persons being permitted to “farm” small numbers of dogs and/or cats for personal consumption. In addition, they are against dog and cat elixirs and tonics, despite (unproven) claims of their health benefits.

Through educational efforts, Say No To Dog Meat hopes to enlighten the global public about the miserable lives farmed companion animals face and how this trade impacts dogs and cats throughout the world. Education will also be provided for those wishing to adopt rescued animals from the live meat trade. These animals have been through varying degrees of trauma, so guidance is needed in ensuring adoptive families understand the process of restoring their new pet’s health, happiness and well-being. In addition, Say No To Dog Meat will provide education for people in dog and cat eating countries who wish to learn about responsible pet ownership and providing safe, long-term environments for dogs and cats as loved family members.

Please Donate:

Say No To Dog Meat has commenced fundraising, from which their efforts will include rehoming rescued dogs and cats from the live meat trade once the Viet Nam rescue and medical clinic has been established. “All fundraising will be conducted with full transparency and information pertaining to our monetary activities will be made readily available” stated Michelle Brown wildlife rescue specialist that resides in Australia. Donna Armes that resides now in Canada stated “participating in Say No To Dog Meat campaigns and signing our petitions supports our work furthermore to bring change for a better world for dogs and cats victimized by this trade”. “We invite you to join our fight to halt the live dog and cat meat trade and Say No To Dog Meat” stated the team of elite environmentalists and animal rescuers.

Say No To Dog Meat’s donation link is below. The link will direct you to their Facebook page from which you can also subscribe to their site for news and events plus lots more.



Please Make a donation TODAY and help Say No To Dog Meat – Thank you

The organisation now requires public funding to help establish their rescue and medical facility for dogs and cats in Viet Nam and hopefully over the borders too. Say No To Dog Meat requires funding for renovation, water, gas and electrical services to be reinstated, pet triage and surgical clinic, rehabilitation and special needs area, isolation clinic, cages and pet boxes, surgical equipment, bedding and blankets, medical supplies, food, and much more.

Once the rescue and rehabilitation clinic is fully operation specialist staff employed will then commence rescuing strays from the streets of Viet Nam of both sick dogs and cats and pets in need of a loving forever home. There’s more too. The organisation will also be holding rabies and vaccination clinics to help reduce disease and decrease rabies within the country and over the borders. Lastly while Say No To Dog Meat recognizes the honest work undertaken by groups of Asian activists that actively seek out pet meat traffickers – no animals that Say No To Dog Meat’s staff rescue will come from traffickers or butchers that require payment. “What’s the point in paying pet meat traffickers and marketeers just for them to purchase more dogs and cats from public funding” stated Jose Depre, “that is defeating the main objective and continues to feed the pet meat trade, were here to help and rescue pets not to continue a trade a circle of abuse”.

SAY NO TO DOG MEAT.NET is calling on the public to help them with their global march planned since January 2014. Demonstration event organizers and demonstrators are required eagerly to beef up numbers to make change happen. For more information you can contact Say No To Dog Meat hereto at

Liam Williams – Publisher Environmental News and Media



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Policing Comes to a Stop in New York, People Get Along Peacefully and Society Continues

So, where’s all the chaos and the murder and the children smoking meth?

We are constantly reminded by State institutions, from lecture halls to mainstream “news” organizations, that if it weren’t for the police out there arresting everybody, society would break down immediately.

Oh there will be the motorcycle gangs with flamethrowers invading supermarkets, the wild-eyed adolescents disobeying teachers and leaving school, the religious conservatives forming new dictatorships, the horde of unwashed illegal immigrants urinating on our golf courses, the rabid murder parties and fornication spilling onto the streets, zoo animals escaping and mauling the children — the end of human civilization.

Well, there has finally been a “virtual stoppage” of police activity in New York, and the people there are… reading blogs, working, buying groceries, watching netflix, waiting in lines, saying hi to strangers, checking facebook. Same as usual. It looks like they haven’t murdered each other yet.

Of course they haven’t.


Do you want to know what would really happen if the police state ended? What would happen if, say, tomorrow, the war on drugs ended?

About 80% of all the State functionaries from police and prison guards and prosecutors to court clerks and judges and school resource officers would have to find real jobs that people voluntarily pay them to do, since there would be no more need for them to enforce a corrupt war on drugs and generate revenue for the State.

The owners of State-sponsored for-profit prisons would become bankrupt. About four million non-violent peaceful Americans — formerly called “criminals”  for smoking a harmless plant — would be let out of steel cages and reunited with their loved ones.

The few officers that were left would be forced to respond to real violent crimes instead of, say, issuing revenue-generating tickets for incomplete stops, raiding people’s homes, shooting dogs, throwing people in cages for smoking a plant, or killing people for selling untaxed cigarettes.

RELATED: The Reason There is No Such Thing as a “Good Cop”: an Otherwise Normal Societal Need for Protection Becomes Inherently Corrupt When Government Monopolizes It

The New York Post has released a study showing that NYPD tickets and arrests for minor offenses — non-violent offenses — have dropped by a whopping 94%.

The drop coincides with the police union issuing instructions to the NYPD to stop arresting people unless it is absolutely necessary.

This was done under the guise of “increasing officer safety” after two NYPD officers were executed.

In reality, it is a de facto strike. The NYPD is mad at the mayor and other government bureaucrats, blaming the latter for the fact that the two officers were executed. By refusing to issue traffic tickets, by refusing to lock more people in cages for victimless crimes, the police are in effect starving the government of revenue.

Here are the stats reported by the post:

Angry [police] union leaders have ordered drastic measures for their members since the Dec. 20 assassination of two NYPD cops in a patrol car, including that two units respond to every call.

It has helped contribute to a nose dive in low-level policing, with overall arrests down 66 percent for the week starting Dec. 22 compared with the same period in 2013, stats show.

Citations for traffic violations fell by 94 percent, from 10,069 to 587, during that time frame.

Summonses for low-level offenses like public drinking and urination also plunged 94 percent — from 4,831 to 300.

Even parking violations are way down, dropping by 92 percent, from 14,699 to 1,241.

Drug arrests by cops assigned to the NYPD’s Organized Crime Control Bureau — which are part of the overall number — dropped by 84 percent, from 382 to 63….

The Post obtained the numbers hours after revealing that cops were turning a blind eye to some minor crimes and making arrests only “when they have to” since the execution-style shootings of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.

Friends, this is partly good news. Let’s hope those numbers get all the way to 100%.

We can go about our lives and bring in 2015 with an epic celebration. (Assuming, of course, the agents of the police state don’t stage some kind of false flag disaster to gain relevance as our “protectors” again.)

The de facto police strike unwittingly illustrates the true role of police: to empower, protect, and generate revenue for the State while keeping the people demoralized, scared, or poor. Because of the strike, we are now witnessing the reverse — more freedom for people, and less power for the State.

Consider how much money Americans are saving just during this short period of non-policing. Suppose that 24,000 parking and traffic tickets had been issued, like they were in this same period in 2013, and suppose they were only $50 each (they are much more, but let’s be conservative). That’s over a million dollars saved by Americans. For many, that could mean the difference between paying for rent and dinner vs stressing out about financial problems.

Consider all the families that haven’t been separated. There would have been around 400 drug arrests during this period last year. With only about 60 arrests since the de facto strike, that’s thousands of family members who wouldn’t be separated as their fathers, mothers, or kids are thrown in jail or felonized and forced into unemployment.

If the NYPD were to continue this non-policing month after month, it would mean millions of jobs saved, millions of families not destroyed, and billions of dollars saved by Americans.

If New York City is any indication, we would be better off without this institution.

Watch the video below and learn why Police Statism is the ultimate threat to a well ordered society.


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Police to Begin Inspecting Americans’ Fecal Matter for Illegal Drug Use, Sifting Through Sewage


Justin Gardner | Mint Press News

As the wasteful, immoral war on drugs continues in police states around the world, authorities are always looking for ways to track the use of “illicit” drugs.

It’s the intelligence aspect of their war, and some of the methods literally reek.

Introducing “sewage epidemiology,” coming soon to a community near you.

Sewage epidemiology is a rapidly expanding field that can provide information on illicit drug usage in communities, based on the measured concentrations in samples from wastewater treatment plants.

According to the American Chemical Society’s report:

The war on drugs could get a boost with a new method that analyzes sewage to track levels of illicit drug use in local communities in real time. The new study, a first-of-its-kind in the U.S., was published in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology and could help law enforcement identify new drug hot spots and monitor whether anti-drug measures are working.

The thought of authorities slogging through the sludge may be comical, but it represents another example of big brother using our money to monitor our behavior.

Drug consumption is a non-violent act upon oneself.

The drug trade is made violent in a black market under government prohibition.

What is the rationale behind attempts at drug eradication and criminalization?

RELATED:  Cops Execute 80-yr-old Man in His Own Bed During Botched Drug Raid

It provides a means for government to assert power; it enriches the prison industry and the jackboot industry and politicians.

Take these away and there is no logic to the war on drugs.

–> Continue reading.

Learn why the State started the War on Drugs as a profit scheme and why police are brainwashed pawns who go along with it:


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Police Accountability Report #133 NYPD Drama, FL Cop Kills Son, Jan 6 Buehler Trial

In this December 29th, 2014 edition of the Police Accountability Report:

We cover the latest drama between NYPD and Mayor de Blasio

We hear about a Florida Cop who killed his own son

We remind you about the WhyIFilmthePolice video contest

And we update you about the criminal and civil trials of police accountability activist, Antonio Buehler

Support for the Police Accountability Report comes from eFoodsDirect, redefining the way you think about storable foods.  Visit and get 50% off the Planning Starter Pack!

The Police Accountability Report is brought to you by and produced by the The Liberty Beat.

Special thanks to Mark Jankins for the music you heard on this edition of the Police Accountability Report.

Remember, badges don’t grant extra rights!

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Aluminum in Chemtrails Linked to Increase in Alzheimers

Food Integrity Now Header

UPDATE: On June 19, 2013 Dr. Blaylock discussed the chemtrail and nanoaluminum neuro-toxicity on the show. The complete interview includes important information on the damaging neurological effects of excitotoxins as food additives, ie: MSG or monosodiumglutamate. Listen to this topic on the podcast at the bottom of this page

Dr Blaylock Header

Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum, and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects

By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

August 23, 2012

Nanoparticles of aluminum are infinitely more reactive and can easily penetrate the brain

Dr. russell_blaylock-mugThe internet is littered with stories of “chemtrails” and geoengineering to combat “global warming”; and, until recently, I took these stories with a grain of salt. One of the main reasons for my skepticism was that I rarely saw what they were describing in the skies. But over the past several years I have noticed a great number of these trails and I have to admit they are not like the contrails I grew up seeing in the skies. They are extensive, quite broad, are laid in a definite pattern, and slowly evolve into artificial clouds. Of particular concern is that there are now so many – dozens every day are littering the skies.

My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) are strongly related to exposure to environmental aluminum.

Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect directly to the area of the brain that is not only most affected by Alzheimer’s disease, but also the earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in Alzheimer’s cases.

The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home-filtering systems will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.

In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water, and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract; but nanoaluminum is absorbed in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.

I pray that the pilots who are spraying this dangerous substance fully understand that they are destroying the lives and health of their families as well. This is also true of our political officials. Once the soil, plants, and water sources are heavily contaminated there will be no way to reverse the damage that has been done.

Steps need to be taken now to prevent an impending health disaster of enormous proportions if this project is not stopped immediately. Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people more than ever before.

Nazi Naobots on your brain header



1. Win-Shwe T-T, Fujimaki H, “Nanoparticles and Neurotoxicity,” In J Mol Sci 2011;12:6267-6280.

2. Krewski D et al., “The biological effects of nanoparticles. Risk assessment for aluminum, aluminum oxide, and aluminum hydroxide,” J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 2007;10 (suppl 1): 1-269.

3. Blaylock RL, “Aluminum induced immunoexcitotoxicity in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders,” Curr Inorg Chem 2012;2:46-53.

4. Tomljenovic L, “Aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease: after a century, is there a plausible link,” J Alzheimer’s Disease 2011;23:567-598.

5. Perl DP, Good PF, “Aluminum, Alzheimer’s Disease, and the olfactory system,” Ann NY Acad Sci 1991;640:8-13.

6. Shaw CA, Petrik MS, “Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration,” J Inorg Biochem 2009;103:1555-1562.

7. Braydich-Stolie LK et al., “Nanosized aluminum altered immune function,” ACS Nano 2010:4:3661-3670.

8. Li XB et al., “Glia activation induced by peripheral administration of aluminum oxide nanoparticles in rat brains,” Nanomedicine 2009;5:473-479.

9. Exley C, House E, “Aluminum in the human brain,” Monatsh Chem 2011;142:357-363.

10.Nayak P, Chatterjee AK, “Effects of aluminum exposure on brain glutamate and GABA system: an experimental study in rats,” Food Chem Toxicol 2001;39:1285-1289.

11. Tsunoda M, Sharma RP, “Modulation of tumor necrosis factor alpha expression in mouse brain after exposure to aluminum in drinking water,” Arch Toxicol 1999;73:419-426.

12. Matyja E, “Aluminum changes glutamate –mediated neurotoxicity in organotypic cultures of rat hippocampus,” Folia Neuropathol 2000;38:47-53.

13. Walton JR, “Aluminum in hippocampal neurons from humans with Alzheimer’s disease,” Neurotoxicology 2006;27:385-394.

14. Walton JR, “An aluminum-based rat model for Alzheimer’s disease exhibits oxidative damage, inhibition of PP2A activity, hyperphosphorylated tau and granulovacuolar degeneration,” J Inorg Biochem 2007;101:1275-1284.

15. Becaria A et al., “Aluminum and copper in drinking water enhance inflammatory or oxidative events specifically in brain,” J Neuroimmunol 2006;176:16-23.

16. Exley C, “A molecular mechanism for aluminum-induced Alzheimer’s disease,” J Inorg Biochem 1999;76:133-140.

17. Exley C, “The pro-oxidant activity of aluminum,” Free Rad Biol Med 2004;36:380-387.

Recommended Reading

Dr. Blaylock’s brochures Bio Terrorism: How You Can Survive and Nuclear Sunrise.

Dr. Blaylock, an NHF member, is a World-renowned neurosurgeon who retired from Neurosurgery to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research.

An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and physicians on nutrition-related subjects. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation and serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. See

Source Article from

Official: 6 bodies recovered from AirAsia crash

A massive hunt for the 162 victims of AirAsia Flight 8501 resumed in the Java Sea on Wednesday, with the recovery of six bodies, including a flight attendant identified by her trademark red uniform. But wind, strong currents and high surf hampered recovery efforts as distraught family members anxiously waited to identify their loved ones….

Source Article from

Politician&#039;s fingerprint reproduced using photos of her hands

Source Article from

When The Snitch Turns

Whether one believes that Ronnie Coogle had a change of heart when his word was used to justify the killing of a guy who smoked some pot, it’s hard to come up with any other rational explanation for why a guy who always put his self-interest first would now risk his life. There just wasn’t any benefit in it. Yet he did….

Source Article from

Arrests plummet 66% with NYPD in virtual work stoppage

It’s not a slowdown — it’s a virtual work stoppage.

NYPD traffic tickets and summonses for minor offenses have dropped off by a staggering 94 percent following the execution of two cops — as officers feel betrayed by the mayor and fear for their safety,….

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Creationism ~ What Scientists Have To Say

Ascension Soup for the Soul!

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Life After Death, Creationism &#38; Scientific Evidence of Geological Time ~ Michio Kaku

Ascension Soup for the Soul!

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4 Psychological Terms That You're Using Incorrectly

Ascension Soup for the Soul!

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Venus may have once had oceans of carbon dioxide


Excerpt from

Despite being known for its “hellish” conditions, the planet Venus may actually have had oceans on its surface, according to a study in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. The catch? Unlike Earth’s water-filled oceans, Venus’ may have consisted of a liquid-like form of carbon dioxide.

Scientists conducting research this summer found that Venus may have

had enough water in its atmosphere at one point to cover the entire

planet in an ocean about 80 feet deep, according to Discovery News.

But because the extremely warm surface of Venus likely made it

impossible for such an ocean to form, scientists concluded that instead

of massive oceans of water, the planet may have once been home to oceans

of carbon dioxide fluid.

The planet’s atmosphere is 96.5 percent carbon dioxide by volume, said lead study author Dima Bolmatov,

and the extreme atmospheric pressure on the surface of Venus could have

caused the gas to enter a “supercritical state.” A supercritical fluid

“can have properties of both liquids and gases,” which Bolmatov said

could have paved the way for oceans of liquid-like carbon dioxide on

Venus. You can read the full study at The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.

Source Article from

Did drought doom the Mayan Empire? New evidence from Belize's 'Blue Hole'

Minerals taken from lagoons reveal a century-long drought occurred

between A.D. 800 and A.D. 900, right when the Mayan civilization


Drought may have driven the ancient Mayan Empire to collapse, new research suggests.

Minerals taken from Belize’s

famous underwater cave, known as the Blue Hole, as well as lagoons

nearby, show that an extreme, century-long drought occurred between A.D.

800 and A.D. 900, right when the Mayan civilization disintegrated.

After the rains returned, the Mayans moved north — but they disappeared

again a few centuries later, and that disappearance occurred at the same

time as another dry spell, the sediments reveal. 

Rise and decline

Deep history

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I Fought Foreclosure and Won!


December 30, 2014


When the Bank of America foreclosed on Denny,
he demanded the bank prove it didn’t just create the
mortgage money out of thin air. They couldn’t and eventually
agreed to take a loss. Here he describes his scorched earth
campaign against the Bank of America.


The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate. – Dr. Wayne Dyer

 by Denny

“Stop renting….BUY a house!” That’s what everyone says. So we did. In 2007 I bought a $115,000 house and we thought life was good. Three years after buying the house, I suffered some financial setbacks and could no longer afford the payments.

 I tried selling it but no one was interested. Then came the threatening letters from Bank of America. I, like most people in this situation simply freaked out, ignored the problem thinking sooner or later it will just go away.

But, it doesn’t go away. And deep down, I knew it wouldn’t. So I started contacting lawyers and getting bankruptcy consultations over the phone. If the bank was going to take my house and come after me for the deficiency, they weren’t going to get one penny! I was now starting my slippery slide into the pit.

The Sheriff showed up one day with a thick packet of papers for me….my foreclosure notice! Nothing rattles you more than a Sheriff’s deputy standing at your front door. That is when the real intimidation from the bank starts.

Which brings up another interesting question: In the case of serving foreclosure notices’, who is the Sheriff actually working for?  That’s right…The BANK! That’s when you realize how insidious the banks really are and that you are looking into the eyes of an actual monster and they control the system from the top down.

And that’s when the seriousness of my situation came to rest on my chest like a large boulder. My girlfriend and I had moved out of the house shortly after and for around six months, nothing happened. We had moved into an apartment and basically ignored the problem at hand. I did however pay a lawyer $150.00 to file a “Delay of Sale” for me, thinking this would give me six more months from this point in time.

In the very back of my thick packet of foreclosure papers was a flyer to get help if you found yourself in this situation. But, you had to live in the house to get their assistance. I called the 800 number and they sent me a packet of papers to fill out. They were a financial counseling company and basically I filled out a stack income to debt forms, sent them back and waited. In the meantime, to qualify for the loan assistance we moved back into the house. After a few tweaks of the documents they had a complete file on me and they forwarded it on to Iowa Mediation Services.

 I was assigned a wonderful mediator. They negotiated with Bank of America on my behalf to try to get me a loan modification. Except for supplying some documentation (that the bank has no business having) they would do all of the work. In the meantime, my research into the banking fraud escalated and continued down the rabbit hole!

About three weeks, my mediator called me and said the bank wants two months bank statements, the last two years tax returns and your last two months pay stubs. Ok I said and emailed him the documents. (Stupid me……NO ONE has any business seeing these documents…think about it….really?)

However, supplying them the documents in question was part of their game. And if I wanted a loan modification, I had to play along. Meanwhile, Bank of America’s first Law Firm filed a motion for summary judgment against me. I ignored them. After about eight months of these repeated documentation requests from the bank, being assigned numerous customer service reps (CSR’s) and the frustration my mediator was having getting anywhere with these parasites, I was quickly learning just how their game was played, and how to play back.

After about 20 months of this delaying tactic, they finally offered me a $130.00 a month less house payment. (Loan modification) Really? For my financial situation, it would have to have been around $300.00 a month less or more to make any difference and keep me in my house.

Were they on drugs???? I called them up the next day and said I DO NOT ACCEPT your loan modification offer. She became bewildered. I think she stopped breathing, “What do you mean Mr. L? After all of this work??” I told her the modification was so small as to be irrelevant. She stated (LIED) that because my loan was a Freddy Mac loan and they were the investor, that they had very strict rules on loan mods and that Bank of America’s hands were tied. (Another lie.) And shortly after that I got a new CSR.!


It was now time for me to start making demands of Bank of America. So, using “legalese” the only language corporations understand I drafted up a letter to Bank of America sent three times 72 hours apart. that stated the following:

“Demand for Documentation”

Dear Bank of America,

Bank of America cannot show they suffered a loss because they can’t provide evidence they put up any consideration. HERE IS WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE TO PRODUCE IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH THAT A LOAN WAS MADE AND THAT I MAY HAVE A DEBT:

1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money you purportedly loaned me.

2. Produce documentation of the history and origin of funds that you purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to that you purportedly loaned me (banking requires 3 generations at least if not all the way back to issuance/creation of the alleged funds…this is why banks issue a letter of origin/history of funds)

3. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds (prior title, ownership, and rights) from loaner to borrower (invoicing/receipts) there is a difference between a “loan” and “debt,” conceptually, legally and factually.

Look up the definitions of loan and debt, difference between statement and invoice…only an invoice has to be paid…however you would first have to show that you made me a loan…if no loan, each invoice is fraud – mail fraud to be precise.
Sincerely, D

They ignored my three demands of documentation, and responded that I seemed to be questioning the validity of the “note.” Well Duh? That is EXACTLY what I was doing. So what did they do? They sent their second Law Firm after me. After what I call a soft opening, their lawyers sent me a statement of account (with their fees included) and stated I had thirty days to rebut their presumptions. And I did! I sent them the same letter I sent.

 Bank of America and the Law Firm wrote back stating that I seemed to be questioning the validity of the note. Duh again! I sent the same letter (above) a second time and they sent me a copy of my Promissory Note. Funny thing was, I already had one. They had NO intention of honoring my requests for documentation because they couldn’t. They didn’t have what I was asking for because it DOESN’T exist! There is NO loan!


After continually winning the battles but seeming to lose the fight I received a card in the mail from “A.H.S.” It stated:


I almost threw it out but for some reason stuck it in a drawer and forgot about it for a few days. Let’s talk about a short sale. The bank sells your house for less then it’s allegedly worth and according to documents I received from Bank of America, “In SOME cases, does not come after you for the difference.”

Some cases? So that would imply that in MOST cases, they DO come after you for the difference, it’s called a deficiency! I already knew about this option along with a “Deed In Lieu” in which you (according to the bank) shake hands with them, and simply sign the house (that they have NO rights to) back over to them. Supposedly a simple agreement.

Lesson one: Don’t EVER believe ANYTHING a bank tells you and lesson two: Don’t EVER shake hands with a bankster!!!! A.H.S. worked with Bank of America for almost a year to buy the house in a “Short Sale.” The more the bank delayed, the longer I lived there for free. Finally, after 12 months of the bank delaying and playing games, they accepted the short sale offer.

They claim that they took a loss of $50,000.00 in the form of missed mortgage payments and another alleged loss of $35,000.00 in the sale of the house. Not too bad for my first fight with the BIG BANK! In reality, they lost nothing, and received three years of house payments plus interest on a loan they never made. That, folks is the banking reality you and I live in. The central banks own everything from your property, your children (via their birth certificate) and our corporate government. And until the day you all wake up, and demand to take your country back from the central bankers, that’s the way it will be.
According to the Fed’s own laws,

Banks are not permitted to loan you THEIR money, THEIR depositor’s money or THEIR credit by law!

See “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” (GAAP)
And they are not allowed to loan you their credit:

A national bank has no power to lend its credit to any person or corporation . . . Bowen v. Needles Nat. Bank, 94 F 925 36 CCA 553, certiorari denied in 20 S.Ct 1024, 176 US 682, 44 LED 637.

Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. v Taylor – Mayer, J., Supreme Court, Suffolk County / 9/07

“A bank may not lend its credit to another even though such a transaction turns out to have been of benefit to the bank, and in support of this a list of cases might be cited, which-would look like a catalog of ships.” [Emphasis added] Norton Grocery Co. v. Peoples Nat. Bank, 144 SE 505. 151 Va 195.
So what did the bank loan you for your house? Nothing plus interest! Time to wake up!
My entire book (free) can be read here

First Comment by Mike P

A biblical comment on today’s post:
Psa 37:21  The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.
Isn’t that pretty much what this guy did?  He borrowed money and freely promised to pay it back. Now he’s looking for some back way to get out of doing what he promised. The banks may create money out of thin air, but does that excuse this guy from participating in the system, borrowing the money, getting a real house for it, and then refusing to keep his promise to repay? As I see it, he is just as guilty as the banks.

Comments for “I Fought Foreclosure and Won!”

Gordon W said (December 30, 2014):

With reference to the comment about the item atop your website today … Mike P has missed the main point : there never was any transfer of real money, in the mortgage in question : no valuable consideration put forth by the mortgagor, ie Bank. The mortgagee educated himself so as to be able to see through the hoax then exposed it for what it was. Thus, the party which got ‘something for nothing’, was the Bank.

If Mike P wants to get all sanctimonious on us & cite the Bible for authority – he’d do better to look up the old English word “usury” then find out what the God of Israel has to say about it. The author of the article did participate in the usury racket, in ignorance. After having figured out how that criminal enterprise works, he won’t be engaging in it again. Like Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery “Go and sin no more”

The Law which God gave to Moses pronounces the death penalty for those who participate in the Usury racket. But the sheep sitting in the pews of state-licenced Baal-barns run by the Juda-izers, won’t hear that from the false teachers / race traitors who infest the pulpits of the land.

Mike P replies

I noticed the comment by Gordon. I think he may be seeing only half of the picture. The way I see it, if Denny’s plan succeeds, he gets a house for nothing. If not, the bank does. What I see is two crooks fighting over who gets to steal a house. I see no virtue to either side.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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Tuesday 30 December 2014

Prying Eyes: Inside the NSA's War on Internet Security

When Christmas approaches, the spies of the Five Eyes intelligence services can look forward to a break from the arduous daily work of spying. In addition to their usual job — attempting to crack encryption all around the world — they play a game called the “Kryptos Kristmas Kwiz,” which involves solving challenging numerical and alphabetical puzzles. The proud winners of the competition are awarded “Kryptos” mugs.

Encryption — the use of mathematics to protect communications from spying — is used for electronic transactions of all types, by governments, firms and private users alike. But a look into the archive of whistleblower Edward Snowden shows that not all encryption technologies live up to what they promise.

One example is the encryption featured in Skype, a program used by some 300 million users to conduct Internet video chat that is touted as secure. It isn’t really. “Sustained Skype collection began in Feb 2011,” reads a National Security Agency (NSA) training document from the archive of whistleblower Edward Snowden. Less than half a year later, in the fall, the code crackers declared their mission accomplished. Since then, data from Skype has been accessible to the NSA’s snoops. Software giant Microsoft, which acquired Skype in 2011, said in a statement: “We will not provide governments with direct or unfettered access to customer data or encryption keys.” The NSA had been monitoring Skype even before that, but since February 2011, the service has been under order from the secret US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), to not only supply information to the NSA but also to make itself accessible as a source of data for the agency.

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West/Russia Rapprochement?

West/Russia Rapprochement?

by Stephen Lendman

Not a chance. For sure no time soon. Despite EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini on Sunday saying:

“I often speak to (John) Kerry and there is complete unity in views on the Ukrainian crisis, and similar views exist in other countries, from Canada to Japan. And everyone wants to end the logic of confrontation, the wall to wall.”

Western countries must “begin direct discussions with Moscow over our mutual relations and the role Russia can play in other crises.”

“Russia has an important role not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria, Iran, the Middle East, (and) Libya.”

In mid-December, Mogherini announced new Russian sanctions. Prohibiting EU companies from investing in Crimea. Including oil and gas exploration technologies trade.

Crimea is Russia territory. Not according to Mogherini. Saying EU nations “will never recognize (its) accession to the Russian Federation.”

In July, they banned all Crimean imports. Consider US-installed fascist putschists Ukraine’s legitimate government. 

A stepping stone toward EU and NATO membership. An affront to Moscow. A direct threat if Ukraine joins the Alliance.

In his September UN General Assembly address, Obama called Russian “aggression” in Southeastern Ukraine one of the world’s greatest threats.

In mid-November, he said America “is leading the world in opposing Russia’a aggression against Ukraine, which is a threat to the world.”

Despite Washington’s full responsibility. Russia’s commitment to world peace. Abhorring war. Going all-out to resolve conflicts diplomatically.

Controlling Ukraine is Washington’s pretext. Russia the target. Regime change the objective. Longstanding US plans remain firm.

Carl Gershman heads the State Department-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED). One of America’s lead anti-democracy initiatives.

In September 2013, he headlined a Washington Post op-ed “Former Soviet states stand up to Russia. Will the US?”

Calling Ukraine “the biggest prize.” An interim step toward regime change in Russia.

“Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents,” he said. Despite hard facts showing no revanchist Moscow aims.

“Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself,” Gershman added.

Making it clear Washington’s aim is destroying Russian independence. Ousting Putin. Installing pro-Western stooge governance. 

Co-opting all former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact countries are steps toward attaining its grand prize. 

Eliminating a main rival. Controlling its huge land mass. Balkanizing it. Stealing its resources. Exploiting its people. Isolating China.

Washington’s longstanding plans remain unchanged. In mid-December, House and Senate members unanimously passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act (UFSA) Act of 2014. Obama signed it into law.

Authorizing lethal and non-lethal aid. Besides what’s already supplied. Approving more sanctions. 

Directing John Kerry to work with Ukrainian officials. Helping them reduce Russian gas imports.

Instructing Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) overseeing all US civilian and international media to submit an action plan to Congress. 

Expanding Russian language broadcasting. In former Soviet republics. Countering Russian Federation “propaganda.”

Prioritizing broadcasting in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Through Voice of America. Radio Free Europe. Radio Liberty. 

Washington’s global propaganda bullhorn. Suppressing hard truths. Featuring Big Lies. Turning reality on its head.

Kiev putschists threaten regional security. A dagger at Russia’s heartland. Manipulated by Washington.

Russia considers US-dominated NATO a threat to its security. On Christmas day, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed fingers at Washington.

Saying “(w)e have seen and still see attempts to solve complex and not so complex problems in the world in a unilateral way…”

“(T)hrough coercion, interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states in violation of the UN Charter and the principles of the OSCE.”

“I believe the most important accomplishment is that our approach in favor of equal, mutually respectful dialogue on any issue in global politics, economics and the humanitarian situation is shared by a growing number of states.”

Washington’s imperial agenda remains unchanged. Its policies ruthless. Its bullying relentless. Rapprochement with Russia a non-starter. 

Moscow’s new military doctrine considers US-dominated NATO a strategic threat. Expanding east in violation of international law.

In November, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Moscow and Beijing should jointly stand against Western color revolutions. 

Targeting both countries. Constituting a major security threat. US-style “democracy” is America’s most destabilizing export. Sergey Lavrov calls it vital to stop.

Nothing suggests change in Western/Russian relations. Mogherini’s notion is co-opting Russia like its former republics.

Making it a vassal Western state. MSM in lockstep. Putin bashing remains intense. Even his responsible global outreach efforts are criticized. 

New York Times editors mocked them. Headlining “Mr. Putin’s Global Courtships,” saying:

Once he was welcomed in the West. No longer as tensions grow over Ukraine. He’s “pursuing new friends…”

“(I)ncluding one of the world’s most noxious leaders, Kim Jong-un of North Korea.” Perhaps Times editors didn’t notice.

Moscow maintains diplomatic relations with North Korea. At times uneasy during the 1990s. Firm under Putin since 2000.

He was Russia’s first head of state to visit Pyongyang. No Soviet general secretary ever bothered.

Russian companies operate in North Korea. Transactions between both countries are in rubles, not dollars.

Times editors repeated the discredited notion about Pyongyang hacking Sony Pictures’ computers. Stealing “millions of documents.”

Putin invited Kim to Moscow next year. For 70th anniversary commemorations of Nazi Germany’s defeat.

Times editors are relentless. Repeating one Big Lie after another. Claiming Putin invaded Crimea. Caused Ukrainian crisis conditions.

Now maintains a “Look East” policy. “(D)esigned to compensate for the loss of economic and political interaction with the West.”

Times editors bashed his responsible “efforts to build closer relationships with China and India.” Major countries important to all nations.

Putin seeks cooperative relations with all countries. Respecting their sovereignty. Including EU ones and America. Times editors call him an unreliable friend. (S)killful at causing problems.” 

Despite going all-out to resolve some of the most intractable ones. Don’t expect Times editors to explain.

Or Washington Post ones. Bashing Putin relentlessly. A mid-November editorial especially deplorable.

Claiming his “main pillars of support” include “graft, cronyism, paranoia, and resentment at Moscow’s diminished post-Soviet stature…”

Saying “it’s hard to overstate the importance he attaches to propaganda.” Calling him a former “KGB apparatchik…”

Using “information (as) an important instrument of control, influence and intimidation. Western-style journalism and the free flow of news are anathema.”

Saying his “war of aggression in Ukraine continues…(He) moved to silence the already muffled voices of domestic dissent and amplify the Kremlin’s anti-Western views at home and abroad.”

“(B)y us(ing) laws designed to intimidate, and through the implantation of fear, Mr. Putin can go some way toward recreating a Soviet-style grip on the information most Russian citizens consume.”

It’s hard imagining more convoluted rubbish. Comments legitimate editors wouldn’t touch. Polar opposite hard truths.

Russia’s political process is open, free and fair. Unlike duopoly power running America. Its media shame their Western counterparts. 

A propaganda bullhorn for wealth, power and privilege. Big Lies drowning out hard truths. 

Putin didn’t invade Ukraine. Isn’t waging aggression. Doesn’t control Russia’s media. 

Doesn’t rig elections like America’s sham process. Or stifle dissent. Or implant fear. Or govern undemocratically. WaPo editors are an instrument of US state propaganda.

So are Wall Street Journal ones. Featuring a mid-December article headlined “Putin’s Year of Defiance and Miscalculation.”

Repeating the long-discredited canard about taking over Crimea. Claiming “miscalculations restricted his options.”

Citing Russia’s economy. Affected by sanctions and low oil prices. Ukraine’s conflict. Blaming him irresponsibly. 

Concluding by saying “(t)he Kremlin declined to comment for this article.” Why should it bother? WSJ editors and commentators bash Putin irresponsibly. 

In lockstep with Washington’s imperial agenda. Its worst crimes. Defiling rule of law principles. Targeting all independent nations for regime change.

Waging war on humanity. Threatening its survival. Don’t expect media scoundrels to explain.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at 

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Your New Years's Resolution! Make this New Year's the Most Significant One in Your Life! ~ Go Vegetarian! Narrarted by Alec Baldwin

Ascension Soup for the Soul!

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UFOs are the Topic on Coast to Coast Radio

Ascension Soup for the Soul!

Source Article from

Dinosaur Researchers Say They're in a 'Golden Age' of Discovery Due to the 'Jurassic Park' effect

Excerpt from

This was a great year for dinosaurs.

Dreadnoughtus, “Jar Jar Binks,” and a swimming Spinosaurus all made

headlines — and 2015 could hold even more surprises. 

2014 and beyond

Image: Deinocheirus mirificus, the largest known member of a group of ostrich-like dinosaurs 

This undated handout image

provided by Michael Skrepnick, Dinosaurs in Art, Nature Publishing

Group, shows a Deinocheirus mirificus, the largest known member of a

group of bird-like dinosaurs.

Source Article from

NASA selects four key commercial partners for improved spaceflight


Excerpt from

According to a NASA statement,

on December 23, the agency released the names of the four American

companies selected for future developmental collaborations. The

companies were chosen under the auspices of the Collaborators for

Commercial Space Capabilities program, which facilities industry access

to NASA’s spaceflight resources. The products of the partnerships will

be made available to governmental and non-governmental entities within

the next five years.

The four companies that have been chosen are the following: ATK Space

Systems of Beltsville, Maryland, which is space transportation

capacity; Final Frontier Design of Brooklyn, New York, which is

developing space suits for intra-vehicular operations; Space Exploration

Technologies of Hawthorne, California, which is developing space

transportation means that could be used to facilitate future deep space

missions; and United Launch Alliance of Centennial, Colorado, which is

developing new, less expensive launch vehicles with greater performance.

“These awards demonstrate the diversity and maturity of the

commercial space industry. We look forward to working with these

partners to advance space capabilities and make them available to NASA

and other customers in the coming years,” said Phil McAlister, director

of commercial spaceflight at NASA. Although NASA will contribute

expertise, technology, evaluations and the resultant data and insights,

it is up to the four companies to cover the costs of their collaboration

with NASA.

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