Monday 29 December 2014

Ottawa Shooting Was "Completely Fake" - Friend of Insider


December 28, 2014

(Left, cops, media, politicians get a big laugh at expense of public)

On Oct 22, 2014, Canada staged a fake terorist
attack to advance the Illuminati Jewish banker agenda for a world police state. Basically our leaders and media are liars and traitors.

“I want you to post these emails because the Canadian people need to know what their government is up to.”

[Editor’s Note: I don’t know this reader personally but he did give his name and his message sounds credible to me.]

from Anonymous

A friend of mine who is in the military told me, six months ahead of time (in April 2014), that there would be an attack in Ottawa in October. He also told me that it was completely staged. Basically, the entire Ottawa shooting incident was planned many months ahead of time and was completely fake.
Also, the Parliament employees knew ahead of time about the attack.
Completely staged. From start to finish.

One of the reasons for the fake Ottawa attack is that the Canadian govt wanted to pass the CSIS bill. CSIS is the Canadian equivalent of the CIA. And this bill will give full power to the govt to spy on the population in any way, shape or form. They did it before but now they have full power, which they did not quite have before. In other words, this CSIS bill is legalized spying.
gnews-vicker-102314.jpg(No wonder Kevin Vickers doesn’t want to talk about his courageous act.)

Reason number two is pretty much the same as in the U.S. Pass anti-gun laws to disarm the population so that they will be defenseless when the military comes to seize them and their property. In fact, it has somewhat started. There was a huge flood in Alberta and the homes were evacuated. The cops then went into the empty houses and confiscated all the guns they could get their hands on. It was not legal, of course, but incidents like the Ottawa attack will soon make it legal.


b&c.jpg Bibeau and Cirillo were not killed. Both of them are what is known as crisis

actors. Cirrillo has been whisked away and is in hiding right now. He’ll

resurface eventually, with a different appearance and identity, when

all this has blown over.

There was one lady who was on the scene of the

shooting. She attempted to give first aid. She obviously saw that nobody

was shot and killed. Now this woman is under “protective custody”. In

other words, she’ll never be seen again. Almost instantly after this

lady was removed from the scene, the real crisis actors showed up.

you are correct in saying that neither supposed victims, including the

shooter, were killed. This incident really was completely fake, in every


No Blood, CPR Wrongly Administered- Total Hoax
How Canada’s Terror Laws Could Change
Bogus TV Report casts Doubt on Shooting
Eye Witnesses Involved in the Hoax

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Source Article from

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