Wednesday 24 December 2014

Police Sergeant Rapes Woman in Guayama, Puerto Rico

Javy Rodriguez shared the content below via the page, which documents an allegation of rape against his mother by a Puerto Rican policeman. The Puerto Rican Police Department has an especially bad reputation in regards to crimes committed by employees of that outfit and a lack of accountability for those crimes, after the fact.

Island of Impunity: Puerto Rico’s Outlaw Police Force” a June 2012 report by the ACLU states: “The Puerto Rico Police Department is the second-largest police department in the United States. It has been plagued by pervasive corruption, domestic violence, and other crime within the police force. The high incidence of criminal conduct among the PRPD’s ranks is symptomatic of a larger institutional dysfunction of the police department’s policing and disciplinary systems.”

Date of Incident: 04/03/2011
Individuals Responsible: Sgt. Javier Gerardo Figueroa Montanez, LT. Madeline Velazquez, Ofc. Gelly, District Attorney Radames Vega, Judge Mary Del Pilar Moreno, several other unidentified employees of the Puerto Rican Police Department (PRPD)
Outfits Involved: Puerto Rican Police Department (PRPD), Región Judicial de Guayama, Puerto Rico (Guayama Regional Court)
Phone: 787-866-2020
Area Cop Block Affiliate: Currently, there are not any known Cop Block Affiliates in New Jersey. To find out how to help advocate for police accountability by starting a local group in your area, consult the Cop Block “Start a Group” page.

Link to Story (In Spanish)

Puerto Rico: Island of Impunity

Puerto Rico: Island of ImpunityPuerto Rico: Island of Impunity
On April 3rd, 2011 at approx. 3 AM, My mother Lillian Rodriguez was walking home from a bar she decided to walk home since she lived approx. 10 minutes walking distance away from her home. She left her vehicle at her mother’s house to avoid drinking and driving. While on her way home, she was offered a ride by Sergeant Javier Figueroa, a 22 year veteran of the police force in Puerto Rico, who was on duty at the time, in full uniform, and driving a police vehicle . With all the trust in the world since he was a cop, my mother Lillian boarded his vehicle to get home safe.

Once she showed Javier where she lived, he pulled up in front of my mother’s house let her out and followed her to the door. My mother stated to him “There is no need to escort me to the door I am fine” The cop insisted he would escort her to the door. Once my mother opened the door she went in and he followed her inside aggressively while knocking a hand mirror that was on the table next to the door to the floor. (Which he picked back up and placed back on the table, first DNA evidence, finger prints) He than locked the door behind him and approached my mother aggressively.

Lillian began to ask why is he in her house and why did he lock the door, while telling him to leave immediately. He continued to walk towards her and told her to take off her pants (while holding his gun) Lillian began to cry and asked him “Why are you doing this?” He replied by telling her to shut up and do what he says that “if you scream no one will believe you” “Do not make this harder than it has to be for yourself” He than committed rape and sodomized her in a brutal way with no mercy. After he was done he asked my mother where is the kitchen she pointed to the direction of the kitchen he went and cleaned his penis with a napkin and threw it in the kitchen trash can (second DNA evidence, sperm, fluids).

He quickly left the house and my mother called 911. She then called a friend to tell her what happened and to take her to the hospital. Police arrived at the hospital to take a statement from Lillian, but one of the officers, named LT. Madeline Velazquez, is related to the sergeant who committed the crime. This was unknown at the time that my mother gave the statement. In total, four officers where involved in the cover up for the accused sergeant. Each officer committed perjury and lied four times on official statements. Because each officer could not get their made up stories together, they were given four chances to rewrite their statements so that all four statements/stories would add up, make sense, and be presented in court to make my mother seem like a liar and justify charging her with false accusations.

One of the officers, named Gelly, a veteran of 29 years, was suppose to be the sergeant’s on duty partner for that night, but he was dropped off somewhere else. He lied multiple times on a statement, stating that the sergeant was with him at all times. Three months later the DNA evidence of the mirror and napkin the sergeant used finally came back from forensics and confirmed that it was positive that it matched Sergeant Javier Figueroa. The DA quickly made a deal with four officers, including Javier’s partner, that if they testified against the sergeant that they would keep their jobs and not be charged with perjury.

The trial has been going on for two years already. The DA, Radames Vega from Tribunal of Guayama, Puerto Rico, has been manipulating my mother’s case, tampering with the officers and my mother’s statement to try and clear the sergeant of any wrong doing, so he can get his job back. Javier is on paid administrative leave for over three years and six months now (since 4/8/2011). My mother’s case is being carried out with an unfair bias, even the judge, Mary Del Pilar Moreno, is leaning towards the sergeant’s favor in this case. I have contacted FBI to investigate this case over and over again for the corruption that is happening but I get no answers.

This case needs media and/or public attention again so this pig and the other four pigs, along with him, get exposed, Puerto Rican Police Department Rape AllegationPuerto Rican Police Department Rape AllegationPuerto Rican Police Department Rape Allegationtaken off the streets, and sent to prison; before it’s too late and this trial is over. Next court date is November 6, 2014 (update pending) to interview the last three witnesses’. The case number is GDP2012-0104. I have posted a link (in Spanish) of a popular Puerto Rican news paper that covered this case when it first came to light and interviewed my mother. She was also on two major TV shows in PR about this case. I have also uploaded a picture of the pig Javier Gerardo Figueroa Montanez who’s Facebook profile can also be found with that name. The profile pic is him on a motorcycle. Just adding that as you may well know PR Police dept run on US government funds and the same constitutional rights apply in Puerto Rico, as here in the U.S.

Source Article from

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