Sunday 28 December 2014

Skyception: Morpheus Essay on Chemtrails and Mind Control

Jasper Kirkby Quote on Jet Aircraft Dumping Aerosols-b

Atmospheric scientist, Jasper Kirkby blows whistle on jet aircraft dumping aerosols into the upper atmosphere (Continue)



Skyception: Chapter One – The Deception and Manipulation of ‘We the People’ and our Skies

By Morpheus – November 29, 2014

Just when you think a subject has been analyzed to death someone comes along and breaks new ground. And not just in the conclusions they draw, but in the thought process and logic they apply. Sometimes it can be so new and innovative we might be tempted to shake our heads and say “This can’t be right” when in fact it might just be.

Morpheus is one of those rare individuals who is never satisfied with prepackaged conclusions, especially when they utilize stale information (often carefully disguised ‘beliefs’) and conforms to a polarized consensus. Where most might be happy absorbing such a pretty little package Morpheus immediately starts asking uncomfortable questions and challenges the basic premises. Essentially he is the poster child for those who truly think outside of the box.

In this three part series Morpheus tackles an extremely controversial subject with humility, diligence and most importantly an open mind. Rather than remain within the mainstream or alternative views Morpheus has attempted to gather information and points of view from many different and diverse disciplines and practitioners. Personally I think he has done a great job. (Continue)

Skyception: Chapter Two  – The Deception and Manipulation of ‘We the People’ and our Skies

By Morpheus – December 12, 2014

With this second installment of the ‘Skyception‘ series, we delve deeper into several potential reasons for, and explanations of, the persistent trails program(s). While editing these chapters I was struck by how convoluted and intertwined the various aspects of these deceptions are. Thankfully Morpheus takes us by the hand and leads us through the maze.

Please keep in mind one guiding principal as you dive deeper down the rabbit hole. There is nothing compelling you to believe anything you read here or anywhere else for that matter. Nothing at all! But you must seriously consider it, especially if you find it disturbing or nonsensical. More often than not, the strong emotions you are feeling are more likely a sign of your Cognitive Dissonance screaming than it is an indication of bad information.  (Continue)

Skyception: Chapter Three  – The Deception and Manipulation of ‘We the People’ and our Skies
The Only Theories That Can Withstand Scrutiny Above all Others

By Morpheus – December 14, 2014

This third and final chapter specifically uses the word ‘theories’ because they are just that, since we have yet to see any credible and definitive ‘official’ explanations for what is happening in our skies. But before getting to the theories I have developed, some items of interest need to be shared so you may better understand what I have discovered and how it led me to these conclusions.

The links in the previous two chapters reveal some of the resources that helped guide me in my exploration of this issue, while the resources below will hopefully connect it all together for you just as it did for me. As I mentioned in Chapter One and Chapter Two, there are other important pieces to this puzzle that are rarely discussed. And during those infrequent occasions when they are covered, it is usually poorly done. I am speaking of the hidden and carefully obscured history of our solar system and how it relates to what is presently happening in our solar system, and more specifically, with our Earth and Sun.  (Continue)

People as Puppets on a String

Source Article from

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