Saturday 27 December 2014

False Arrest by Riverside Sheriffs Leads to Stolen Property/Inability to Work

Jeremy White shared the content below, about the “service” he received from those at the Riverside (CA) police outfit, which negatively impacted his ability to earn a living via the Cop Block Submissions page.

Riverside County Sheriff patch

Riverside County Sheriff patchRiverside County Sheriff patch
Date of Incident:
March 11, 2014
Individuals Involved: Deputy Sell, Deputy Garcia, Detective Pierson
Outfit: Riverside County Sheriff’s Department
Phone: 800-950-2444
Email: Riverside Sheriffs’ Feedback Form
File a Complaint: Complaint Filing Process
Area Cop Block Affiliate: There are multiple Cop Block Affiliates in Southern California, including one in the Los Angeles area. To find the appropriate local group in your area, consult the Cop Block Groups page.

On March 11 of this year (2014), I was cleaning my truck before work when I was approached by a Riverside County Sheriff. He asked me why my registration wasn’t current when it actually was. Next, he told me to stand up and asked if I had anything on me.

At this time, two more sheriffs pulled up – Deputies Sell and Garcia. Sell is known in the area for harassing everybody. They then tell me I’m under arrest. I ask what for and I am told “we don’t know yet”. I replied “then how am I under arrest”? Then I was told “how about receiving stolen property?” I was placed in the police car and a tow truck was called to take my truck.

In the back of my truck was a large black plastic toolbox full of my tools for work, I am – or was – a general contractor and all my tools were in my toolbox, along with around $3000 worth of custom built tattoo machines I have collected over the years.

I was transported and asked if I had any dope on me. Then deputy Sell told the corrections officer at booking I may have drugs in my rectum. So I was subjected to a strip search, where over and over I am told to spread my cheeks with my hand and cough.

After I bailed out and tried to get my truck out of impound, I was told it had been taken for evidence. About a week later, I got a call saying my truck is released, only to be told it would cost almost $1500 to get back from Stagecoach Towing. I am told that they towed it three times, so the fee was for three tows and storage per day. I was also told that my truck was taken for radiation testing with the Environmental Protection Agency.

Since my work truck, which is a custom lowered truck with fully adjustable air suspension, was in custody of the tow company I couldn’t get to work, or do any of the work even I had found a ride, since I had no tools.

I argued with a detective Pierson who finally called Stagecoach Towing to release my tools out of the truck only to find out they were all gone and so was my toolbox. The tow company said that there were no tools in my truck, the EPA said that my box was destroyed during testing but the contents were put back in the truck and the sheriffs deputies who arrested me never took an inventory of my belongings.

I ended up losing my construction business. I still cant afford to get another truck, but slowly I am getting some more tools. The tow fees were so much I ended up giving my truck away to a friends’ cousin, because he had the money to pay the tow fees and I’d rather he had my truck than the people who stole all my things.

To date, I have not been compensated and no charges were ever filed on me. None of my complaints have even been responded to. I am waiting for them to file charges just in spite of my complaints. I have been pulled over and harassed and kicked out of my house by the Riverside County Sheriffs. I cant count how many times I have had police contact with these people and no charges were ever filed. They just wanted to steal my truck and my tools. I don’t have money for a lawyer, so I guess that’s it. I never bothered with a police report, because we know how that will go.

The Riverside County sheriffs are mostly corrupt to the core. They take peoples property, peoples animals for ransom with the threat of killing them for money, they lie, steal, cheat, and murder. It’s a huge organization and hard to fight when you have nothing (thanks to them). This has been devastating to me and my family that I also lost, because of my situation. Quality of life isn’t very good anymore. So much for the American dream.

Source Article from

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