Tuesday 30 December 2014

Dinosaur Researchers Say They're in a 'Golden Age' of Discovery Due to the 'Jurassic Park' effect

Excerpt from nbcnews.com

This was a great year for dinosaurs.

Dreadnoughtus, “Jar Jar Binks,” and a swimming Spinosaurus all made

headlines — and 2015 could hold even more surprises. 

2014 and beyond

Image: Deinocheirus mirificus, the largest known member of a group of ostrich-like dinosaurs 

This undated handout image

provided by Michael Skrepnick, Dinosaurs in Art, Nature Publishing

Group, shows a Deinocheirus mirificus, the largest known member of a

group of bird-like dinosaurs.

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/AscensionEarth2012/~3/L18j3WNjcoc/dinosaur-researchers-say-theyre-in.html

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