Monday 2 February 2015

Cop Leaves Woman Handcuffed in Back of Police Car With Man Who Ended Up Raping Her


Graeme Hamilton | National Post

MONTREAL – There was plenty of drinking in Tasiujaq that weekend in 2011, just as there was whenever a shipment of alcohol arrived in the isolated village in Quebec’s far north.

The lone police officer on duty on the night of Sept. 19 had her hands full.

Fresh out of police school, she had been on the job less than a month and was not even authorized to carry a sidearm.

But as she apprehended a 17-year-old girl who had become heavily intoxicated, Const. Danielle Gallant made a decision that would come back to haunt her.

According to court documents, she handcuffed the girl and placed her in the back of her Kativik Regional Police Force vehicle truck.

Already in the backseat for having caused a disturbance — but not handcuffed — was Joe Kritik, who at age 24 already had four convictions for sexual assault and was listed on the national sex offender registry.

As the officer made a third stop, she left the two detainees alone, and Mr. Kritik pounced on the girl.

“When Constable Gallant came back to her vehicle after a short period of time, she observed Mr. Kritik with his pants down while on top of the plaintiff,” a statement of claim filed by the victim states.

RELATED: “I’ll Kill Your Family if You Tell Anyone!” – Cop Rapes Woman After She Stops at Checkpoint | Report

“The plaintiff was unable to defend herself, being handcuffed in her back and unable to leave the vehicle, the doors being locked.”

Despite the assault, the girl was kept in a police cell overnight and was not given medical attention, the lawsuit says.

Her parents were not contacted.

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