Monday 2 February 2015

TARFOX: International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project

TARFOX: Tropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational Experiment

TARFOX Aerosol Header

TARFOX: A Field Project of the (IGAC) International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project

IGAC:  Science Plan and Implementation Strategy


Aerosol effects on atmospheric radiation are a leading source of uncertainty in predicting future climate (IPCC, 1995; 1996). As a result, the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program has established a Focus on Atmospheric Aerosols (IGAC/FAA) and endorsed a series of aerosol field campaigns. The Tropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational Experiment (TARFOX), the second in the IGAC/FAA series, was designed to reduce this uncertainty by measuring aerosol properties and effects in the US eastern seaboard. This is the region where one of the world’s major plumes of industrial haze moves from the continent over the Atlantic Ocean. The goals, scientific basis, and approach of TARFOX are described by Stowe (1994), Russell (1996), Russell et al. (1996), and on the TARFOX World Wide Web page, [Page Deleted From!]

The TARFOX intensive Field Period (IFP) was conducted July 10-31, 1996, with aircraft based at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Operations and initial results are described by Whiting et al. (1996), Hobbs et al. (1996), Russell et al. (1996), and also on the TARFOX World Wide Web page. Further results were presented by TARFOX Science Team members at the first TARFOX Data Workshop, held January 29-31 at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California (Russell, 1997). More extensive results were described in a collection of papers presented at the TARFOX Special Sessions of the 1997 Spring Meeting of American Geophysical Union (Baltimore, MD, May 27-30, 1997; see abstracts, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 78, pp. S81-82, S87-88, S92-93).

The TARFOX Science Team Meeting of May 29, 1997 was held primarily to make decisions on several issues discussed but not resolved at the first TARFOX Data Workshop. Appendix A of this report gives the Science Team Meeting Agenda. Appendix B is a schedule of TARFOX past and future activities, updated to reflect decisions made at the meeting. Appendix C is a list of potential papers for the TARFOX Special Section of a journal, also updated at the meeting. Appendix D lists some possible TARFOX cooperative projects to be conducted in the post-special issue timeframe.

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