Saturday 14 February 2015

Deputy Embarrassed at New Year 2015 Checkpoint by CopBlocker (Video)

The video and text below were sent to us, via’s submission tab, by Chris K – who’s also a CopBlock.orgFilm The Police” contest winner:

As we were driving closer to the checkpoint, one of the officers shouted to her buddies, “Cop Block!” before we were stopped by Deputy Vanderveer, who is currently employed at the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office. (he was rehired by his cousin, Sheriff Robert Arnold, after he was previously terminated by the same department.)

Deputy Vanderveer is known for behavior very similar to cruel and unusual punishment. He has previously been on CopBlock for pepper spraying a fully restrained inmate that was wearing a spitmask.

The cop that called him out for being “CopBlock” was hilarious and Chris’s questioning of Vanderveer was priceless too. Then reality sets in and you realize this thug, Deputy James Vanderveer, still has his job. Good on you Chris for keeping the pressure of accountability on him.

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