Saturday 14 February 2015

Michigan CopBlocker Needs Help Fighting Victimless “Crime”

This story was sent to us through’s submissions tab by Aiman Jarrar of Michigan Cop Block.

MI_-_State_Police_logoMI_-_State_Police_logoMI_-_State_Police_logoDate of Incident: January 23, 2015
Individuals Involved: C. Bommarito and Brandon Golden – Michigan State Police
Outfits Involved: Michigan State Police (Rockford Branch), Grand Rapids Prosecutors Office/61st District Court
Phone: (616) 866-4411 (Michigan State Police) – (616) 632-5720 (Prosecutor’s Office)
Area Cop Block Affiliate: There are several Cop Block groups (see bottom of post for list of known Michigan affiliates) within Michigan, including Michigan Cop Block. In addition, if you live outside Michigan, you can find the appropriate affiliate in your area by consulting the Cop Block Groups page or, if necessary, Start a Cop Block Group yourself.

As a member of Cop Block, the police don’t like us and will attempt to stick it to us in any way they can. Well, they’ve stuck it to me, and I NEED YOUR HELP getting out.

Fellow Cop Blockers, Those against police citing people for victimless crimes, college students, the 99%, and all of those against police harassment and brutality, join in!

On Jan. 23, 2015 I received a completely ridiculous traffic ticket here in Grand Rapids, Michigan by a STATE TROOPER. I flipped him off, as I do with all police. Remember, the Supreme Court JUST RECENTLY ruled that is NOT probable cause for a traffic stop! The officers pulled me over claiming I was following someone too closely and gave me a citation…I WAS AT A RED LIGHT!!

This is a perfect example of what police have turned into, egotistical maniacs. I will upload my video from that traffic stop later.

Basically, I don’t have the money to hire a traffic ticket lawyer, and they’re not that expensive. If anyone knows a lawyer, or a lawyer sees this who would do this Pro Bono PLEASE let me know.

I’m putting the GoFundMePage on here as well and The goal of this page is to raise enough money so I can retain an attorney to help me beat this ridiculous traffic ticket.WP_20150206_002


Aiman Jarrar

Guys, I’ve been a loyal CopBlock member for years and have contributed to your site with videos and materials. Thank you so much for all you guys do, I just hope I can get a little help in return.

Cop Block Groups in Michigan


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