Sunday 8 February 2015

How Would the World Change If We Found Alien Life?

Excerpt from
By by Elizabeth Howell

In 1938, Orson Welles narrated a radio broadcast of “War of the Worlds”

as a series of simulated radio bulletins of what was happening in real

time as Martians arrived on our home planet. The broadcast is widely remembered for creating public panic, although to what extent is hotly debated today.

Still, the incident serves as an illustration of what could happen when the first life beyond Earth

is discovered. While scientists might be excited by the prospect,

introducing the public, politicians and interest groups to the idea

could take some time.

How extraterrestrial life

would change our world view is a research interest of Steven Dick, who

just completed a term as the Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress

Chair of Astrobiology. The chair is jointly sponsored by the NASA

Astrobiology Program and the John W. Kluge Center, at the Library of


Dick is a former astronomer and historian at the United States Naval

Observatory, a past chief historian for NASA, and has published several

books concerning the discovery of life beyond Earth. To Dick, even the

discovery of microbes would be a profound shift for science.

“If we found microbes, it would have an effect on science, especially

biology, by universalizing biology,” he said. “We only have one case of

biology on Earth. It’s all related. It’s all DNA-based. If we found an

independent example on Mars or Europa, we have a chance of forming a universal biology.”

Dick points out that even the possibilities of extraterrestrial fossils

could change our viewpoints, such as the ongoing discussion of

ALH84001, a Martian meteorite found in Antarctica that erupted into

public consciousness in 1996 after a Science article

said structures inside of it could be linked to biological activity.

The conclusion, which is still debated today, led to congressional


“I’ve done a book about discovery in astronomy, and it’s an extended

process,” Dick pointed out. “It’s not like you point your telescope and

say, ‘Oh, I made a discovery.’ It’s always an extended process: You have

to detect something, you have to interpret it, and it takes a long time

to understand it. As for extraterrestrial life, the Mars rock showed it could take an extended period of years to understand it.”

ALH84001 Meteorite


Mayan decipherments

In his year at the Library of Congress, Dick spent time searching for

historical examples (as well as historical analogies) of how humanity

might deal with first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. History shows that contact with new cultures can go in vastly different directions.

Hernan Cortes’ treatment of the Aztecs is often cited as an example of

how wrong first contact can go. But there were other efforts that were a

little more mutually beneficial, although the outcomes were never

perfect. Fur traders in Canada in the 1800s worked closely with Native

Americans, for example, and the Chinese treasure fleet of the 15th

Century successfully brought its home culture far beyond its borders, perhaps even to East Africa.

Even when both sides were trying hard to make communication work, there were barriers, noted Dick.

“The Jesuits had contact with Native Americans,” he pointed out.

“Certain concepts were difficult, like when they tried to get across the

ideas of the soul and immortality.”

Indirect contact by way of radio communications through the Search for

Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), also illustrates the challenges of

transmitting information across cultures. There is historical

precedence for this, such as when Greek knowledge passed west through

Arab translators in the 12th Century. This shows that it is possible for

ideas to be revived, even from dead cultures, he said.

It’s also quite possible that the language we receive across these

indirect communications would be foreign to us. Even though mathematics

is often cited as a universal language, Dick said there are actually two

schools of thought. One theory is that there is, indeed, one kind of

mathematics that is based on a Platonic idea, and the other theory is

that mathematics is a construction of the culture that you are in. 

“There will be a decipherment process. It might be more like the Mayan decipherments,” Dick said.

The ethics of contact

As Dick came to a greater understanding about the potential c

impact of extraterrestrial intelligence, he invited other scholars to

present their findings along with him. Dick chaired a two-day

NASA/Library of Congress Astrobiology Symposium called “Preparing for

Discovery,” which was intended to address the impact of finding any kind

of life beyond Earth, whether microbial or some kind of intelligent, multicellular life form.

The symposium participants discussed how to move beyond human-centered

views of defining life, how to understand the philosophical and

theological problems a discovery would bring, and how to help the public

understand the implications of a discovery.

“There is also the question of what I call astro-ethics,” Dick said.

“How do you treat alien life? How do you treat it differently, ranging

from microbes to intelligence?

So we had a philosopher at our symposium talking about the moral status

of non-human organisms, talking in relation to animals on Earth and

what their status is in relation to us.”

Dick plans to collect the lectures in a book for publication next year,

but he also spent his time at the library gathering materials for a

second book about how discovering life beyond Earth will revolutionize

our thinking.

“It’s very farsighted for NASA to fund a position like this,” Dick

added. “They have all their programs in astrobiology, they fund the

scientists, but here they fund somebody to think about what the

implications might be. It’s a good idea to do this, to foresee what

might happen before it occurs.”

Source Article from

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