Tuesday 23 December 2014

CIA Used Torture to Coerce 9-11 "Confessions"


December 22, 2014


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – Only after the CIA kidnapped his sons, did he finally  claim “to have directed every major terror attack against the United States over the past fifteen years.” …

After the Mossad and CIA pulled off 9-11,
they had to use torture to make some  Arabs confess
to the crime.  While Psychologists cashed in, the
confessions have no value and serve to discredit the
official 9-11 narrative.  

by DC Dave Martin
(abridged by henrymakow.com)

In his analysis of the Senate report, Thierry Meyssan has shown that the purpose of the CIA’s vile torture program was to break down the captives in the manner in which noted psychologist Martin Seligman broke down his captive dogs, by random torture to condition them to do or say anything we wanted …

Following the publication of excerpts from this (Senate) report, it appears that all the evidence cited in the report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the September 11 attacks connecting these to al-Qaeda is false. There no longer exists to date a shred of evidence for attributing the attacks to Al Qaeda: There is no evidence that the 19 people accused of being airline pirates could have been found that day in one of the four planes, and none of the former members of Al Qaeda’s testimonials confessing to the attacks is genuine.

jessenmitchell.jpg(CIA paid Jessen and Mitchell over $80 million to oversee torture program.)

The CIA torture regime, you see, was instituted under the supervision of two handsomely paid consulting psychologists, Bruce Jessen (left) and Dr. James Mitchell (right), whose work was guided by the model of “learned helplessness” developed by the aforementioned Dr. Seligman. “They were not intended to obtain a confession or information, but to inculcate a narrative or behavior in the subjects.”

Even so, the copious torture, including 183 waterboarding sessions, administered to the alleged “mastermind” of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, was apparently insufficient to get him to say what we wanted him to say. Only after the CIA kidnapped his sons and threatened to do who-knows-what to them did he finally ridiculously claim “to have directed just about every major terrorism attack against the United States over the past fifteen years.” …

Replace “dogs” with “detainees” and “electric shocks” with waterboarding, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, prolonged stress positions, rectal rehydration, and whatever depraved form of torture Mitchell, Jessen, and their CIA disciples were able to dream up, and what you have is Seligman’s “learned helplessness” for humans.

Martin-Seligman.jpgAnd the good Doctor Seligman (left) is shocked that people would do such things. His purpose … he says was to better prepare our military for encountering the torture that the enemy might visit upon them. This is a perfect echo of the rationale originally offered by the formulators of the CIA MK-ULTRA mind control program. They were only reacting, they would have us believe, to the brainwashing to which our POWs were subjected during the Korean War.

This writer is not the least bit shocked that psychologists, these modern day high priests of our secular humanist society, should be found at the very heart of this latest assault upon human decency.

 See my most recent articles on the subject, “Abuse of Psychiatry in the Kennedy Assassination” and “More Abuse of Psychiatry in the JFK Cover-up.” In the first of those articles we note that Dr. Howard Rome of the Mayo Clinic even prepared a “psychological autopsy” of Lee Harvey Oswald to explain his inner motivation for killing the president, in the absence of any apparent outward motive for doing so.

In the Vince Foster case Kenneth Starr trotted out “suicidologist” Dr. Alan Berman to pronounce, in the absence of good forensic evidence, “with a 100% degree of medical certainty,” that the “perfectionist” Foster killed himself. Yale psychology professor Dr. Sidney Blatt did his part by pronouncing Foster just the sort of perfectionist personality type that is highly prone to self-murder. …

Surveying this sorry record, …we are inclined to agree with H.L. Mencken about the entire profession:

Barring sociology (which is yet, of course, scarcely a science at all, but rather a monkeyshine which happens to pay, like play-acting or theology), psychology is the youngest of the sciences, and hence chiefly guesswork, empiricism, hocus-pocus, poppycock.


In the face of these revelations of organized depravity by the CIA, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that the American public overwhelmingly supported it.

“By a margin of almost 2 to 1 — 59 percent to 31 percent — those interviewed said that they support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying that they produced valuable intelligence.

“In general, 58 percent say the torture of suspected terrorists can be justified ‘often’ or ‘sometimes.'”

Mencken.jpgHow can we explain this reaction? Once again we must turn to Mencken, as he reflects upon the final political defeat of Illinois reform governor, John P. Altgeld:

    What lesson is in his career for the rest of us? The lesson, it seems to me, that any man who devotes himself to justice and common decency, under democracy, is a very foolish fellow–that the generality of men have no genuine respect for these things, and are always suspicious of the man who upholds them. Their public relations, like their private relations, are marked by the qualities that mark the inferior man at all times and everywhere: cowardice, stupidity and cruelty. They are in favor of whoever is wielding the whip, even when their own hides must bear the blows. How easy it was to turn the morons of the American Legion upon their fellow-slaves! How heroically they voted for Harding, and then for Coolidge after him–and so helped to put down the Reds! Dog eats dog, world without end. In the Pullman strike at least half the labor unions of the United States were against the strikers, as they were against the more recent steel strikers, and helped to beat them. Altgeld battled for the under dog all his life–and the under dog bit him in the end. (“Heretics”)

Oh, but the problem, you say, is that they just don’t know, in spite of all that has been reported. And you would have a point, but my guess is that if they knew everything that Dr. Seligman did to dogs and the CIA did to captive Muslim suspects, their greatest indignation would be directed towards the illustrious psychologist.


NY Times: Prosecute US Torturers and their Bosses 

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

Source Article from http://henrymakow.com/2014/12/New-us-low-torture.html

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