Friday 19 December 2014

Cop Breaks Handcuffed Girl’s Bones in Eye Socket, Will Not Face Any Criminal Charges

cop punches handcuffed woman

SEATTLE — New raw footage has been released showing a police officer in Seattle punch a woman in the face.

The woman was handcuffed at the time that the officer punched her.

Seattle police released the digital in-car video of a police officer punching a handcuffed woman after she assaulted him.

Now, a prosecutor with King County has stated that the officer will not face any criminal charges.

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The incident originally happened on June 22nd.

It was early in the morning and Officer Adley Shepherd was looking into a call about “possible domestic violence.”

When Officer Shepherd arrived, the property owners informed him that it was just a verbal disagreement, and that they did not need his service.

In response, Officer Shepherd responded rudely and sarcastically, according to reports.

“He just kept saying, ‘Well we got called for a domestic dispute’ ” and “someone has to go to jail,” the woman said.

The woman, Miyekko Durden-Bosley, was then arrested.

During the arrest she can be heard asking, “Why am I being arrested?” to which no explanation is heard.

At that point Officer Shepherd forced her into the back of his patrol car, handcuffed.

Due to the angle that she was forced inside, she was in immense pain, and extended her leg to adjust her body for relief.

While adjusting, her foot accidentally came into contact with Officer Shepherd, she said.

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Because her foot touched him, Officer Shepherd can be heard screaming “You kicked me!”

woman punched The video then shows  him reaching over, despite the fact that the woman was handcuffed and clearly posed no threat, cocking back his clenched fist, and pounding her in the face with full force.

The blow to her face was so powerful that it fractured two of her bones and caused her eye to swell and blacken.

The punch broke her orbital bone, according to the woman’s attorney.

But a King County Prosecutor looked at the case and said there was insufficient evidence to show that Officer Shepherd’s punch was unreasonable .

As a result, Officer Shepherd will not face any criminal charges.

“He is very pleased to be exonerated,” said Eric Makus, the officer’s attorney.

“We are currently exploring alternative avenues to attempt to secure justice for Ms. Bosley for this brutal assault,” said the woman’s attorney, in response.

A police union in Seattle stated Officer Shepherd should be given full duty immediately, though for now he remains on administrative leave while an investigation is conducted internally by the department.

Watch Raw Footage Below:

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