Friday 12 December 2014

Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Stomps a Man’s Head Into The Pavement

This post was submitted via the Submission page by Brinna Anne

Incident Date : 12/14

Outfit : Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department

Media response by: Jaime Lewis. Undersheriff

Contact: 916 • 874 • 5115 , [email protected] , Facebook

Why are all these angry people chose by counties and cities to “protect & serve” and given badges and guns?  These officers need mental evaluations on a yearly basis, obviously they are desensitized, angry, and downright abusive. It’s simply criminal.

John Madison Reyes, 51, was booked and released. He was cited for resisting arrest after an altercation that occurred when Reyes asked the officer to move his vehicle because it was blocking other vehicles from passing. The officer apparently didn’t like the “attitude” of Reyes. The officer tased Reyes multiple times, beat him with a flashlight, then stomped and stood on the mans head!

Watch and Read by Clicking Below

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Jaime Lewis, the Sacramento Undersheriff says” Let’s face it, had the suspect complied with the the officer’s directives from the initial contact and beyond, we wouldn’t be sitting here talking about this today.” Another officer on a nice paid vacation until yet another sloppy investigation is done.



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