Thursday 11 December 2014

Sandy Hook False Flag Confirmed: New Documentary Ends the Lie

  • Bingo, all the Dots connect – Nobody Died at Sandy Hook !

  • This is truly Great news for all Americans. Yes, Happy Days can be here Again in America !

  • Shout it out from the Rooftops of America, NO DEAD KIDS !

Sandy Hoax 1


No Dead Lanzas either.

And there is also some substantial evidence that there were NO DEAD LANZAS, that is, no Dead so-called Shooter Adam Lanza and no dead Nancy Lanza either, his so-called mother. In fact there is substantial reason to believe that Adam Lanza or Nancy Lanza never even existed at all and were virtual creations as part of one of the greatest Psyops in history ever perpetrated on the American Public.

Not the greatest however which is now known to be the False-Flag attack on America on 9/11/01 which was initiated to create the false narrative needed to justify illegal, Unconstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, un-winnable, perpetual wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed in 2008 and there was no Internet traffic to that address after it was closed and vacated.

The most impressive fact discovered which quickly exposed this Sandy Hook event as a HOAX was that the Sandy Hook school was closed in 2008 and used for storage. It had been closed because it developed a known asbestos problem and it was far to expensive to abate it.

Now even the FBI official crime statistics showing that no deaths occurred at the sandy Hook “Event”.

A major Class Action Lawsuit will publicly unravel this Sandy Hoax Big Lie lie to be the House of Cards that it is.

When this major Class Action Court Event occurs, this will be a major turning point for America and for American History in General. No longer will Mainstream America be so easily duped by such pre-planned and coordinated False-Flag attacks and a supporting False Narratives dispensed by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) to cover them up.

No Dead Adam Lanza because he never existed at all, just like his imaginary mother Nancy Lanza.

You can’t be killed if you are a non-existent imaginary figure created as part of a false narrative related to a major Psyop against the American People. When this case fully unravels as it will for anyone who takes the time to read most of the following recommended articles, it will be like a hard slap to the face.

And folks will begin to understand that every single False-Flag event like this has an intended goals. In this case the intended goals were to create a believable pretext to gain more restrictions on gun ownership. And also to provide a believable pretext to obtain billions of dollars for the deployment of a secret quite sinister program in the public schools to Mind-kontrol our children, presented as a way to weed out disturbed children like the imaginary Adam Lanza, who never existed at all.

Before access to all the relevant facts is presented, those responsible for setting up this massive Sandy Hoax False-Flag Psyop, the groups responsible will be identified and why the Controlled major Mass media and the Federal and Connecticut state Governments have been so busty covering it up.

Sandy Hoax was a major FEMA/DHS Capstone “live-shooter” drill using a major custom written script by a Defense Contractor on behalf of the Mossad (IZCS) and the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) section of the CIA. It is a known fact that the Israelis set up and now run the Department of Homeland Security and also control FEMA. The Israelis are claim to be the World’s top experts of Terrorism and run anti-terror training for many major Urban Police Departments, often offering all expenses paid junkets to Police Chiefs and Police managers.   *** Continue – Veterans Today

Source Article from

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