Saturday 28 February 2015

A Major Victory for the Open Web


Excerpt from

We just accomplished something very important together.

Today, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted for strong net

neutrality protections. This happened because millions of people —

including many hundreds of thousands in Mozilla’s community — joined together as citizens of the Web to demand those strong protections.

This is an important victory for the world’s largest public resource,

the open Web. Net neutrality is a key aspect of enabling innovation

from everywhere, and especially from new players and unexpected places.

Net neutrality allows citizens and consumers to access new innovations

and judge the merit for themselves. It allows individual citizens to

make decisions, without gate-keepers who decide which possibilities can

become real. Today’s net neutrality rules help us protect this open and

innovative potential of the Internet.

Mozilla builds our products to put this openness and opportunity into

the hands of individuals. We are organized as a non-profit so that the

assets we create benefit everyone. Our products go hand-in-hand with net

neutrality; they need net neutrality to bring the full potential of the

Internet to all of us.

Today’s net neutrality rules are an important step in protecting

opportunity for all. This victory was not inevitable. It occurred

because so many people took action, so many people put their voice into

the process. To each of you we say “Thank you.” Thank you for taking the

time to understand the issue, for recognizing it’s important, and for

taking action. Thank you for helping us build openness and opportunity

into the very fabric of the Internet.

Source Article from

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