Tuesday 24 February 2015

India Lifts Ban On Bank Gold Imports: Gold Can Again Be Used As Loan Collateral

But what about other more conventional sources of demand? Take jewelry, which while very strong in the beginning of the century, dropped off after the Great Financial Crisis, and then tumbled again after India imposed numerous restrictions on gold imports, which however merely forced the local population to find novel ways of smuggling gold into the country.

This is what the WGC had to say about gold jewelry demand in 2014.

Having suffered weak year-on-year comparisons for much of 2014, jewellery demand rallied to a strong finish, reaching 575t in the fourth quarter – 1% higher than Q4 2013. The sector was buoyed by good festival- and wedding-related demand in India, as well as by the seasonal holiday effect in the US and UK. Global annual jewellery demand of 2,152.9t, although down 10% year-on-year, was above the five-year average by a comfortable 5% margin.

Source Article from http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/171423-2015-02-23-india-lifts-ban-on-bank-gold-imports-gold-can-again.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS

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