Monday 23 February 2015

What You Get for Driving While Suspended in Kansas City.

This video (embedded below) and the accompanying description, detailing an allegation of excessive force by the Kansas City PD, were received via a submission to Cop


PhotoGrid_1424396197179PhotoGrid_1424396197179Back story for every one who wonders why he was “resisting” before this video, his friend was on the phone letting me know that Thomas had told him to call me because he had no license while he was in a small fender bender. He was rude and mouthy, yes, and bruised egos, based on what I have heard from people who were there back in October. He voiced his strong opinion on police officers which he’s allowed to do. He was then punched in the face not once, not twice but 3 times before they took him to the ground and put him in a choke hold. Then the video starts after they had let off. Would you be a bit frantic if you feared you may be killed? Probably.

Are we claiming his innocence? Absolutely not, we just want to bring attention to the wrong in this situation. These officers joke about it and one incriminates himself multiple times in this video. He was bruised from top of his head to the tip of his toes and received no medical attention for hours while an officer with a broken finger was assessed and a guy with a scraped knee was as well. My 7 year old scrapes her knee all the time. Not something he needed to be looked over for hours for.

He was wrong on many occasions yes, but did they have grounds to do this? Nope not at all. This is more of a case of an officer who was angry due to comments made by the “criminal” and knew he would have plenty of back up to help and a police force behind him in court. We go to Fox 4 tomorrow. They have most info in their hands now. It’s hard to see how wrong it is just based on the video alone because there isn’t a lot going on at that point except he was afraid at that point. Which is an emotion he has never shown…

Sorry that’s a lot but there will be more info out there soon .

I was not personally there but this is just a break down of all info I’ve gotten. I wonder when the police will release their videos or if they’re going to be “lost”


Source Article from

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