Sunday 22 February 2015

Does Cooking Food Neuter Us?


February 21, 2015

pottengers-cats-study-in-nutrition-francis-marion-pottenger-paperback-cover-art.jpgNutrition, a key to aberrant human behaviour.

Biologist Cornelius Bulik suggests that
sexual aberrations are related to
nutrition deficiencies related to overcooking.
A study of 900 cats revealed that
cooking food causes gender mutations.

by Cornelius G. Bulik, MSc.

Many people are puzzled by the increase of the aberrant human behavior, particularly concerning sexuality.
Some recent publications show that some micronutrients, such as magnesium, zinc, niacin, vitamins B12, B6, folic acid, methionine, etc., are absolutely necessary for the regulation of our genes.

Adequate amounts in these nutrients are necessary for avoiding malformations, cancers, accelerated aging, and degenerative diseases (for references see this: [i], [ii], [iii], [iv], [v], [vi], [vii], [viii], etc.)

Does the daily food we purchase on the market contain in the ideal amounts these vital nutrients? They do not because of overproduction on spoiled soils with the help of chemicals, industrial processing, the long storage delay, the GMO organisms, etc., and also the cooking we do in our kitchens.

Do we increase these deficiencies by cooking our foods?

The answer may be found in a little but very interesting essay “Pottenger’s Cats – A Study in Nutrition” by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D. edited by Elaine Pottenger.

This nutrition study used about 900 cats. One large group of cats was nourished exclusively with cooked food, while another group was nourished with exclusively raw food.

Cat-Blog-300x227.jpgThe raw food group thrived with excellent health and lovely behaviour generation after generation, while the cooked food group started from the first generation with some health issues, which increased in amplitude and number each generation till the fourth generation, when the experiment had to be stopped because these cats were sterile and deeply damaged.

Interestingly, we find that by the third generation, the cooked food group changed their physical proportions, males became much like females and some females were male looking.

Also, the homosexuality rate in both sexes was manifested in a significant number of males and females. Not only was their sexual behaviour  aberrant, but the females became very aggressive, while the males were at the opposite, shy, with little activity and interest of what happened around them. The cooked food group had just the same food as the raw food group, in the same amounts, but cooked. The cooking was enough to introduce food deficiencies with dramatic outcome on health and behaviour.

While some damages in some genes are not to be excluded, the main damages seem to occur at the level of epigenetics. This is sustained by the fact that cats in the cooked food group from the second and third generations could recover health at the fourth generation after switching to raw food nutrition.


Eight major human studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades arrive at the same conclusion – there is not a specific gene for homosexuality. Then what is the answer to this puzzle?

We know that sexual behaviour is determined by a fine tuning of the expression of several genes. This expression results in the mindset of a boy and later a man and a father, or a girl and later a woman and a mother.

If important elements necessary for genes are missing, sexual deviation may result, and may be epigenetically transmitted to the next generation.

In some cases, we may have a man that has the sexual mindset of the female, and vice versa.

If the malformation is not major, later in life, spontaneous corrections may happen. However, if the malformation is indeed a major one, then we face the phenomenon of trans-sexuality or gender dysphoria. The damage is so deep, that the mind takes over the real sex, given by the chromosomes and genital organs.

Some may argue that sexual deviant behaviours are not a modern phenomenon. Are not they mentioned in the Bible? Sodomy is mentioned in Genesis in regard to the population of Sodom.

Yes indeed, nutrition deficiencies are not exclusive to modern societies. In the past, people suffered from adverse life conditions, food shortages, and from damaging of foods with overcooking.

Lately, gay activist  promote the notion that deviant sexual behaviour should be accepted as a norm. They label resistance as “hate crimes.”

We do not condemn someone with congenital malformation. There is no reason to be proud or ashamed of aberrant behavior resulting from nutritional deficiencies.


[viii] The Extended Nutrigenomics - Understanding the Interplay between the Genomes of Food, Gut Microbes, and Human Host


Mike B writes:


First Comment from Dan:

 Cats, like most mammals with the exception of human beings and some higher primates, have ‘breeding seasons’. North American cats breed mostly after winter solstice to a few weeks after Autumn Equinox.  Cats don’t menstruate, either.   That means they don’t get PMS.

If you’re still not convinced that cats are a different species, chocolate and aspirin are toxic to cats, because they lack the enzymes to metabolize salicylic acid or caffeine (caffeine is in cocoa).

People have cooked their food for tens of thousands of years.  The hypothesis that food processing has resulted in food that turns you gay only when cooked is preposterous.

Gender is genetic.  One is born either male or female, physiologically.   Food can’t change that.
It’s ‘sexuality’ that’s mental.  Homosexuality is a mental state – a behavior.

Fran Lebowitz on Gender

The Vigilant Citizen ad

Comments for “Does Cooking Food Neuter Us? “

Trevor said (February 22, 2015):

This author is absolutely correct. Sexual aberrations are absolutely caused by malnutrition in the womb. The malnutrition can result in a variety of sexual aberrations. Dr Wallach spends a lot of the first 45 minutes of this tape talking about it. These other links also show malnutrition in the womb to be the cause of all congenital birth defects and all health problems in general . although it goes even deeper than the author wrote about. Everything from arsenic, lead and aluminum to neodymium, thallium, and gold are necessary for proper development and should be supplemented throughout life

Victoria said (February 22, 2015):

The raw food article on your main page is SPECTACULAR. I’m going to get that book. I’m an aspiring raw foodist :). I tried it for a while when I was in Fla and had more money and access to wonderful fruits and veg’s, and it feels AMAZING. What I read on your site today convinced me that I need to get back to that!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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