Friday 27 February 2015

Innocent Man Asks Powerful Politician to Pay Rent, Politician Gets Obedient Cops to Arrest Man


She “used her position and influence to have my client arrested on false pretenses.” “Police just went with what she said”

Imagine that.

A politician rents a unit from you, but then doesn’t pay you the rent money.

You ask her to pay her fair share just like all the other tenants, but she still doesn’t pay.

Then you discover that she changed the locks on your property without notifying you, locking you out of the property you are in charge of.

Everybody else is working hard to make sure that their rent is in on time. Even when they’re late, they are amicable and they work something out with you to get it paid soon.

But this politician just stops paying altogether and then locks you out of your own property. Who does she think she is?

You decide to make it public that the politician is not paying her fair share by posting notifications around the property.

This social pressure is meant to get her to fulfill her end of the deal and pay the money that she owes you.

But how does the politician respond to this? Rather than paying you, she calls the cops on you.

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The cops, being loyal servants of politicians of course, then use force to lock you up.

Apparently politicians believe that they are gods and they can use their little footsoldier cops to arrest people who demand fairness.

And apparently cops are more than happy to do the dirty work.

A situation like this seems to have taken place in Brooklyn, New York. Here’s the full report from Courthouse News Service:

BROOKLYN (CN) – A New York City councilwoman flexed her political muscle to have police arrest the landlord who plastered his building with signs calling her a “deadbeat tenant,” the landlord says in a federal complaint.

Robert Mulzac, a retired lieutenant with the city fire department, filed the complaint Sunday against Darlene Mealy, a member of the City Council representing the 41st District in Brooklyn.

Mulzac says Mealy moved into the commercial space of his apartment building on 203 Ralph Ave. in the spring of 2013, but stopped paying the $1,250 a month rent in January 2014.

After failing to make any headway with Mealy, the landlord allegedly discovered on Aug. 27 that she had changed the locks.

Mulzac admits that at that point he “put up signs on the side of the building informing the public that defendant Mealy had not paid her rent since January.”

As pictured in an article by the New York Post, Mulzac put white banners across three fire escapes, with giant red-and-black text reading, in part: “Councilwoman Darlene Mealy is a deadbeat tenant,” “this is another prime example of one local elected official who has failed me, you and this community.”

Mealy called the cops and “used her position and influence to have my client arrested on false pretenses,” Mulzac’s attorney, Alexis Padilla, said in an interview.

But “this was a civil dispute, it’s not a criminal matter,” Padilla added. “Police just went with what she said. [Mulzac] didn’t break any laws.”

Mulzac ended up spending the night in the clink, but all charges against him were dropped.

Mulzac seeks unspecified damages for civil rights violations, false arrest and malicious prosecution. He also sued the City of New York and the arresting officer.

A spokeswoman from Mealy’s office declined to comment Tuesday.

Mealy joined the city council in 2006 and was re-elected in 2010, according to her City Council bio.



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