Saturday 24 January 2015

Chemtrails Originate Inside the Turbofan Bypass Stage

The Pratt and Whitney PW 4102 turbofan is typical of the more efficient high-bypass designs used in commercial and military transport aircraft.

The high bypass engine design develops thrust in two different ways, simultaneously . Keep in mind that engine combustion is required to produce the water vapor necessary to create REAL contrails.

In the photo below aerosol “chemtrail” lines can be readily accessed and maintained with the cowling lifted while the engine remains mounted in position.

Pratt and Whitney turbofan engine-2

Looking at the red arrow in the video – A small stream of air enters the engine core to undergo combustion with aviation fuel – but this provides only 20% of the total thrust along with a relatively small amount of water vapor available for any REAL contrail formation.

A whopping 85% of the air intake provides 80% of the thrust as the large fan bypasses the ambient air around the combustion core to be pushed out the rear of the engine.  Remember – this 85 percent of air as thrust does not undergo combustion and therefore contains no additional water vapor for contrail formation.

Looking at the yellow arrows n the video,  the bypass stage provides the best opportunity for injection of aerosols since there are no critical engine parts to be exposed to the corrosive and damaging effects of the various light and dark aerosol compounds being sprayed on populations.

Although we know there are many methods of deploying aerosols, there is little evidence that these various chemical compounds are contained in the aviation fuel at this time. However we expect the method of deployment will likely change over time.

In a majority of cases,  the evidence for bypass stage injection of aerosols outweighs the theory that the chemicals are being dumped into the engine thrust via the pylon drain tubes.  Manufactuter’s documents confirm the pylon and engine drain tubes are actually designed to discharge fluids accumulated from the power plant including fuel,oil hydraulic fluid and water.

Pylon CT-22

Pylon drain tubes

Considering the 2 stages of thrust we can imagine a “doughnut” where the thrust from the combustion stage in the center creates the hole in the larger doughnut of bypass thrust containing the aerosols.

The noticeable bifurcation or “split” in these jet trails demonstrates the combustion phase of thrust – containing no aerosols –  is creating a hole of transparency inside the larger doughnut of aerosols deployed in the bypass phase and hidden beneath the engine cowling. This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that aerosols are injected into the bypass phase where over 80 percent of the engine thrust is developed.

A close look at the visible trails in this video shows the aerosols are already well formed as they exit the engine. This observation would not be possible if the aerosols were pumped from a pylon tube external to the engine at air speeds of greater than 350 knots.

Source Article from

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