Monday 26 January 2015

Israel Dedicated to World Conquest


January 25, 2015


For your information about Greater Israel : the two blue stripes on the Israeli flag don’t represent merely the Nile and Euphrates rivers, but the greater oceans these lesser rivers merge into (oceans were once thought to be wider rivers, and called this both in the Bible and in Homer’s poetical works with the dual number, which they are actually if you study the sea currents ; “both oceans” is also a recurring grammatically dual expression in the Qur’an).

Greater Israel is the whole landmass surrounded by those two big oceans; and by the same way,the Israeli flag has a reverse side, it comprises the American continent, too. 

The Israeli flag, which is but a Jewish prayer shawl adorned with a six-pointed star (or a lily flower seen from above if you will, standing for king David’s lineage).  Greater Israel as a slogan doesn’t stand for the conquest of a country from Egypt to Mesopotamia, it stands for world control.  As you partake of real Jewish studies, you delve into the occult powers by which the world is ruled. You discover This world control is not to be achieved one day in the near or distant future; it is conceived as something eternally granted to Jewry. 


Beware of many “anti-Zionist” Jews who criticize Israel as an overly materialistic and nationalistic interpretation of their tradition. What they fear is that they might lose control over the whole world in exchange for a mere region of it.

What they also fear in the long run is that the non-Jews would seize upon the pretext they have a nation to repatriate them all out of their countries.  Israel as a nation-state like any other, far from granting conquest of the world by Jews, may put the global control over all things they exert through witchcraft into jeopardy, unless it is conceived as a kind of miniature scale model of the whole world. 

It thus comes as no surprise that such New World Order pontiffs as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski now hint at the phasing out of Israel as a national entity for Jews : the land promised to them is the whole world.



Up to a recent date when Judaism practically converged with European Masonry, the Jews were not supposed to devise and teach another religion than theirs to new converts, and in principle remain not supposed to mingle into any other religion than theirs except to elicit a temporary profit by selling articles such as garments…

decap.pngMany oriental Jews thought original Hinduism to have been the Noahide religion of antiquity (this is coherent with many parts of the Hindu narrative, especially as regards the laws of Manu) before it got corrupted into its present idolatrous and polytheistic form, with the exception of Yogis that keep content with the One God referred to by Patanjali to be reached by only One Word.

But even more numerous were the Jews who thought Islam to be the final creed teaching and imposing the Noahide laws as their sole doctrine to the whole of humanity, so as to justify their siding with Islamic invaders and immigration throughout the whole history of Christendom.

Comments for “Israel Dedicated to World Conquest”

Linda said (January 26, 2015):

I saw your interest in the Noahide on your recent post. This is a very important aspect of the Masonic Agentur of the Gentile and Social Masonry – which should never be lost sight of. The population of the Golem entities must be under Masonic discipline and Noahide Law.

One of the most important Noahide organizations is the post Vatican II Catholic Church.

Maurice Pinay has a file on this here:

KS said (January 25, 2015):

Francis certainly writes enthralling articles with very strange and fresh insights. His final paragraph refers to events that I have only ever heard mentioned once before (BBC program), and then dismissively, in passing.

“But even more numerous were the Jews who thought Islam to be the final creed teaching and imposing the Noahide laws as their sole doctrine to the whole of humanity, so as to justify their siding with Islamic invaders and immigration throughout the whole history of Christendom.”

And as it seems that the potential penalty for a breach of the noahide laws is decapitation, a few things start becoming clearer. We in the West are very slow learners.

Eduardo from Brazil said (January 25, 2015):

One of the things I learned was about the Noahide Law: any non-Jew who adheres to these laws is regarded as a righteous gentile, and is assured of a place in the world to come

According to the Talmud and other Rabbis, they believe that Jews were appointed by God to teach gentiles to follow these laws. However, they are forbidden to follow the Torah, reserved only for the select and distinct chosen people.

About Lubavitch Rebbe, The Rebbe, which helped to expand the Jew agenda globally in many areas, was said: “In 1983 Schneerson launched a global campaign to promote awareness of the Supreme Being and observance of the Noahide Laws among all people, arguing that this was the basis for human rights for all civilization.” (Universal Morality – The Seven Noahide Laws,, 2006)

Sure God told to Noah a few guidelines, and justice is one of the main principles. It is of interest of God to lead every people to be righteous. However, Jews looking for the opportunity to take over the world added this understanding to the Talmud and appointed themselves as the teachers and rulers over the gentiles. Stating that only they have the knowledge to judge and properly teach these laws.

God is interested on any people that seek justice, and love the truth by heart. If ever existed such Noahide Laws, that I doubt, it ceased to exist on the Cross of Jesus Christ, along with the Torah, Talmud and any other Jew traditions.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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