Saturday 31 January 2015

New Evidence Questions Legitimacy of Obama Presidency

The Real Barack Obama

Complete Article

 Pamphlet Says Obama Born in Kenya-b

Top Official in Obama Birth Mystery Killed

Loretta Fuddy Dead

Loretta Fuddy – a key Hawaii official in the dispute over Barack Obama’s birth certificate – who lifted state restrictions to allow the White House to present the document to the public – has died in a plane crash.  COMPLETE STORY and VIDEOS


Obama’s literary agents – Dystel & Goderich – were proudly claiming Barack Obama was “born in Kenya” in an online biography and in a promotional pamphlet published until April 2007 – just two months before Obama declared his campaign for the presidency.

Obama’s Biography as of 2007, from the D and G the website: (Source)

“BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago. His first book, DREAMS FROM MY FATHER: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE, has been a long time New York Times bestseller.”  (Source)

By April 21, 2007, the Obama bio had been changed to state that Obama was born in Hawaii. (Source)

This could not have been an error since Kenya was listed as Obama’s birthplace for 16 years and through at least three different versions of Jane Dystel’s website including four different versions of Obama’s biography. (More)

Obama had already been a national figure for three years, since the Democratic National Convention in 2004, by the time the biography was changed; he had been a sitting Senator for over two years.

Ben Shapiro is the Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @benshapiro.  (Source)

Why Does Obama keep Forgetting His Own Birth Date?

The following 2014 video outlines the document and ID fraud surrounding Barack Obama with his known aliases, AKA Barry Soetoro, AKA Soebarkah; and his Constitutional eligibility to hold the Office of the United States Presidency. Due to new criminal evidence, a 2nd official investigation has been opened by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office unrelated to the original ID fraud investigation of Barack Obama. The public has been put on notice of an upcoming press conference disclosing this new criminal evidence which has been characterized as “Universe Shattering” by lead investigator Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse.

June, 2014:   Sheriff Arpaio “Close” to Finding Obama Birth Certificate Forger

It certainly didn’t help Obama’s cause when it surfaced in 2012 that Acton & Dystel, Obama’s former literary agent, published a 1991 promotional booklet that billed Obama as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” This claim — made by a professional publishing company in a volume costing tens of thousands of dollars to produce — “persisted for 16 years, through at least three different versions of Jane Dystel’s website, and through at least four different versions of Obama’s biography,” wrote in May 2012. *** Continue

In 2012 Obama’s own attorney admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate posted at the White House website was is forgery.

Reed Hayes is a court qualified handwriting and document examiner whose business is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has nearly 40 years of handwriting related experience, and has worked as an international consultant and speaker. Never heard of him? Well, Hayes is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in the Mike Zullo affidavit that was submitted to the Alabama Supreme Court in the Obama eligibility case and his report concluded that the Obama birth certificate image, located at, is a complete fabrication. *** Continue

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