Thursday 29 January 2015

Dieudonné Defies Holocaust Religion!

  • Brother Nathanael
    January 28, 2015 @ 8:14 pm


    Dieudonné Defies Holocaust Religion!

    By Brother Nathanael Kapner

    Copyright 2015

    Jews don’t mind if you insult Mohammad or blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ, but you better not bash the Holocaust.

    French comic Dieudonné is doing just that. And his shock and awe comedy brings the buried issues of the Holocaust to the surface.

    There’s no business like Shoa Business!

    [Clip: “Shooooa nanas. Sho Sho Shoa ananas. You hold me by the Shoah, I hold you by the ananas. We really must not forget, there’s a way to make money!”]

    But Holocaust ‘money-making’ just skims the surface in France which insists that religion is a private affair.

    At one time the Catholic Church was fully integrated within French society.

    But the French Revolution changed all that for its atheist ideal of strict French secularism.

    In the continuing spirit of this anti-clericalism, in 2004 the veil law was passed in France forbidding the wearing of the Islamic head covering and large Christian crosses.

    Under the cover of France’s ‘war on the veil,’ the Synagogue stealthily created a ‘Union Of Synagogue And State’ where the national religion is ‘Holocaustianity.’

    [Clip: “When you take a look at the history textbooks of our children, you feel ashamed. In France, we lost every time in the last 100 years. According to Fernand Nathan, editor of these books, who is also a filthy scum, it’s for sure, we would all be collaborators, informers without any balls. And the other day, Francois Hollande said: “Yes, it’s true.” Vel’ d’ Hiv Roundup, we’re all responsible for it, he said. I didn’t know I was personally responsible for the roundup. And he said: “Yes we are. Every single one of us.” Can we pay in 3 installments, Francois?”]

    Challenge the Jewish narrative—and plenty have—and your arse lands in jail. It’s a crime to deny the Holocaust in France.

    Yet a comic like Dieudonné totters on the edge between free speech and a jail sentence.

    He’s ‘butt-kicking’ the *Union Of Holocaust Religion With The State* and that’s in sync with France keeping religion a private affair.

    It’s pure ‘comic’ genius and it’s giving Jewry fits. I mean, the more the Jews harass Dieudonné, the funnier AND more popular he gets.

    [Clip: “The Event of the Year”

    “Banned in France”

    “The Film that Caused a Scandal Even Before Its Release”

    “The First Film by Dieudonné M’bala M’bala”

    “The Antisemite”

    “Haft Aseman Cinema Company Production Presents”

    “Auschwitz 1945″

    Dieudonné voiceover: So, once they arrive in Auschwitz, the Allied Forces encounter a spectacle of horror and desolation.

    Titles “Scram! We’re filming history!

    “Please! Something to eat!”

    “American officer William Murdock”

    “Go ahead! Wolf it down!”

    “Humanity in its entirety was forever marked with barbarism.”

    “William Murdock”

    “Thanks to the extremely ingenious and complex pipe system, gas was channeled into the chamber. ”

    “Oh my God!”

    “On the door of the gas chamber, “Bathich Roomen” – bathroom – was written.”

    “The irrefutable proof…”

    “In a homicide chamber such as this, the Nazi regime gassed two million Jews, and some other inconsequential wretched people.”

    “But how does it work?”

    “It’s incredible!”

    “More than 80 deportees were piled up in this narrow place, in order to be asphyxiated. ”

    “The notorious showers…”

    “But where did the gas come from?”

    “The gas used for killing was Zyklon B.”

    “Can I take it with me? It can always come in handy!”

    “The bodies were moved to a central crematorium, and to the makeshift crematoria, like this one, used to burn the newly born.”

    “– A fork?!”

    “– Ahhh… We will cut it out in the editing!”

    ” – Chicken bones?”

    “– Ahhh… No. Children bones!”

    “Other bodies were flayed, and the skin was used to make comfortable leather armchairs,”

    “Careful! You’re sitting on my grandmother!”

    “or luxurious lampshades that were much appreciated by the Nazi bourgeois.”

    “– Is this made of Jewish skin too?

    – Of course!”

    “In spite of this ample irrefutable proof, some still deny the Shoah.

    3:00 “The End!”]

    Two years ago, Charlie Hebdo fired “Sine” for poking fun at the Jews.

    But Dieudonné won’t let hypocrisy go untouched. He supports a political cartoonist who published his own ‘Shoah Hebdo’ parody.

    Better not blaspheme France’s Holocaust religion. That’s a mortal sin.

    [Clip: “You are here to show us these particularly sinful works. This one actually happens to be a parody of your own work, but anti-Semitic and hateful parody, how do you live with this? Do you know about these works, Professor?”]

    We can all live with this. I mean, the bubble reads, “1 Million Off The 6 In Exchange For Palestine.”

    That’s what Holocaust religion is all about. It’s a bargaining chip for a political agenda.

    Dieudonné ain’t buying it.

    In spite of fines, bans, and threats of jail, Dieudonné pokes his finger in Jewry’s eye.

  • Source Article from

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