Friday 30 January 2015

"Jewish" Control - A Fait Accompli 125 Years Ago


January 29, 2015

“Once having acquired absolute civil liberty and equality in every sphere with Christians and the nations, the dam which previously had held back the Hebrews was opened for them, and in short time, like a devastating torrent, they penetrated and cunningly took over everything: gold, trade, the stock market, the highest appointments in political administrations, in the army and in diplomacy; public education, the press, everything fell into their hands or into the hands of those who were inevitably depending upon them….the very laws and institutions of the states hinders Christian society from shedding the yoke of Hebrew audacity, imposed under the guise of liberty.” 


Comments for “”Jewish” Control – A Fait Accompli 125 Years Ago”

Jacqueline said (January 30, 2015):

With regard to the cartoon in above mentioned article, it’s ridiculous that the Australian newspaper had to apologize.

During the attacks by Israel against Gaza, it was shown on the news reports on TV that Israelis, comfortably sitting on couches on hilltops were cheering the slaughter of Palestinian people and the destruction of their homes.

I was totally disgusted with what I saw. One must be a horrible and evil person to cheer and laugh when people are being slaughtered.

PS These people are no different from the people who cheered when our Lord Jesus Christ was being brutally murdered!!!

May God finally punish them severely!

Tony B said (January 30, 2015):

For Susan, et al, the remedy has never changed but the people have in their desire for it. It has always been a return to God with the requisite obedience to His dictates. Basically, living for the next world, not this one. That also means returning to the Church which He set up, not any man-made church. Unfortunately, His Church today is so infiltrated and mis-directed it is difficult to know which way to approach it. For the most part, at present, it is just another man centered protestant cult.

Art G said (January 30, 2015):

To Susan, in the latest offering ..

The answer is what it has always been … “The Lord is your Shepherd .. you shall not WANT.” As Larry accurately asserts, what the Cabalist Jews have always given us is what we WANT, easy credit, war, and porn. If we use our free will to be satisfied with our station in life, then we will want for nothing and any power over us will dissolve to dust.

Susan said (January 29, 2015):

I find this article to be very helpful in ‘sorting’ the distinctions between the groups of people who are ignorant about the manipulation taking place. I got excited for a few seconds when I saw the subtitle ‘Remedies,’ wondering if someone brilliant was going to provide a mechanism for disengaging from this cabalistic matrix imposed on us.

Alas, the conclusions of the author provided no solutions. Waking up, reporting and identifying the history of imposition is extremely important…however we really need localized strategies that reach into every day life that can…in their practice… help us to dismantle or disengage from this negative force. We all need to be thinking, free thinking…allowing ourselves to discover those strategies and then share them. I appreciate your revealing article.

Larry said (January 29, 2015):

Greetings, Henry!

“Heaven’s chosen instrument for punishing the degenerate Christianity of our time is the Hebrews.”

I’ve never faulted Jews because all they have ever done is give the world what it wants–namely, easy credit, war, and porn.

JG said (January 29, 2015):

All are equal under Christianity. There is no more Greek or Jew. All are in Jesus Christ. The Church is the virgin bride of Christ that divorces itself from the desires of the flesh and the riches of the world.

The ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is not of this world. And, any Church that tried to make a worldly kingdom version of it with gold and silver in the past has failed. The ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is within you as Christ said. The true Church today only exists with the meek (teachable) and the repentant believers who are now in Jesus Christ. Only God can make a true Heaven on Earth.

The’ Times of the Gentiles’ are coming to a close now and the renewed persecution of the Church that existed around the time Christ is slowly returning.

Without the ‘Church Age’ the world will become a more wicked place. The “beast” for a time will have his day but, in the end he will be defeated.

The world has been blessed to have the presence of it’s saints, and they are still out there today.

Our focus should be on the study of the saints and not the “cast away” Jew that does not feel he is subject to ‘The Ten Commandments’ given to Moses by God. He is a Jew who is “outside of the camp” that has a religion of his own that he himself has made based on the “commandments of men” given by their self appointed rabbinical aristocracy and not God.

Tyron said (January 29, 2015):

The New Ethnic Caste System

In France, Jews can criticize Mohammad/Islam and all minorities. In France, Jews can criticize Christianity and white French as well. In France, minorities- Moslems can criticize Christianity and white French, but not Jews or the Holocaust. In France, the native white French and Christians can’t criticize Jews, minorities and/or Arabs/Moslems-Islam. In France the French can criticize no one but themselves and authentic Christianity.

So here is the new ethnic caste system. Jews on top no matter their belief system. Arabs, Minorities, Moslems/Islam second. Native white/French- authentic Christians at the bottom and this ethnic cast system is what is being set up in ALL whites/European- traditionally Christian nations-lands and is a template for the “Jews” JWO .

This system will be enforced by the Jews Messiah (Anti Christ to authentic Christians). Not to worry tho, scriptures is clear. 144,000 ethnic Israelites (European/whites)- believers take over this JWO an event that coincides with the true second coming of Jesus Christ.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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