Monday 26 January 2015

Women Don't Want Commitment, Man Discovers

simply just don’t need a man except to procreate.”


by “George Smith”

I am a 47-year old father of two teenagers, currently living in a large Midwestern city.  

I own a successful real estate investment business.  My marriage of 17 years ended recently.  She cited my excessive drinking as the cause but the truth was that we were just two very different people who could no longer live under the same roof.                   

After the dust had settled, I decided to embark on a journey into the world of online dating.  I had no idea what to expect.  It had been 25 years since I had been on a date.        

Now after a year, I have realize that dating has many pitfalls. You must know what you want at the beginning.  In my case, I want a long-term relationship.  I was surprised to discover that many women in the dating world don’t share this goal.          

My first experience with online dating was with a 45-year old woman named Vicki.  I found her attractive and smart.  We began the process of courtship, exchanging text messages and having phone conversations.  Everything seem to be going great.  We had dinner together and talked for three hours.  The next day we resumed our communication.  I thought that our relationship was definitely heading in the right direction.
I asked her out for a second dinner, via text message.  A day passed with no reply.  Several days passed.  Same thing.  I wondered if I should contact her again, but decided against it.  I was insulted.  I went through the usual rationalizations. Maybe she didn’t get my text.  It was stressful.  How could she suddenly turn me off like a light switch? 

Months passed and I could see her checking out my profile online. I realized that Vicki, after eight years of dating, had no intention of being in a relationship.  She just liked the idea of chatting and going out on an occasional date.    

card.jpgI had two more similar experiences.  One was with a girl named Aimee.  Just like Vicki, she was attractive and smart.  We began our near daily routine of texting, combined with weekly phone calls.  Yet, the communication was always fairly superficial, not because I wanted it to be, but rather because she didn’t seem open going deeper.

We went out on a date.  I thought it went fine.  I asked her out again.  She agreed to go, then abruptly stopped returning my text messages. I had fallen, yet again, for the serial dater.  Aimee, like Vicki, had also been dating for about eight years.  

I fully acknowledge that often the chemistry is not there and things fizzle out after a couple of months.  

Source Article from

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