Tuesday 27 January 2015

Cops Furious About New App That Lets Users Track Police Locations


WASHINGTON — Google, Inc. has become the next target of cops.

Google purchased a feature for its traffic program called Waze.

Waze has been around since 2013, but many users have recommended it for a reliable way to track the location of police officers in their city.

There are over 50 million Waze users who can coordinate with each other to send out warnings about the locations of speed traps, traffic cameras, and police officers, along with more innocuous things like heavy traffic zones and construction zones.

But the cops will have none of it.

They claim that it puts them in danger because people can use Waze to stalk them, and they’re planning to fight Google until the app is disabled.

As reported by the AP:

Waze users mark police presence on maps without much distinction other than “visible” or “hidden.” Users see a police icon, but it’s not immediately clear whether police are there for a speed trap, a sobriety check or a lunch break. The police generally are operating in public spaces.

A Waze spokeswoman, Julie Mossler, said the company thinks deeply about safety and security. She said Waze works with the New York Police Department and others around the world by sharing information. Google declined to comment.

“These relationships keep citizens safe, promote faster emergency response and help alleviate traffic congestion,” Mossler said.

Police are fond of telling people that “If you haven’t done anything wrong, then you have nothing worry about.”

This slogan would apply with even greater logical force to police themselves.

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They are the ones roaming around public streets with loaded pistols, they are the organization that is notorious for having obscenely concentrated levels of violence and abuse — it only makes sense that citizens should begin monitoring them.

If they have no misconduct and corruption to hide, then they have nothing to worry about.



Source Article from http://filmingcops.com/cops-furious-about-new-app-that-lets-users-track-police-locations/

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