Monday 2 February 2015

Non-Masons Face Constant Discrimination


February 1, 2015



First Comment from Dan:

Few know that Apollo 11 Moon Landing astronauts “Buzz” Aldrin and Neal Armstrong were 32º  Scottish Rite Freemasons at the time.  Armstrong took out his Masonic apron and held it up for the camera.  That apron remains on display at the Scottish Rite Temple in Washington, DC.  After Armstrong planted the American Flag, “Buzz” Aldrin planted the Scottish Rite flag with the double headed eagle of Freemasonry.  

aldrin.gifI grew up in Presbyterian church in which all the deacons and prominent men were Shriners, meaning they were all above Master Mason.  So it doesn’t surprise me that Aldrin (left) was a Presbyterian.  In 1969, the 1917 Canon law 2335 still expressly forbade Catholics from becoming Masons.  Such a man was considered automatically excommunicated, even if he kept it a secret.   Presbyterians also don’t consider consumption of “Communion” to be a sacrament.   It makes me wonder what kind of ritual ‘ol ‘Buzz’ really did up there.   Aldrin returned a 33° Mason, and the Apollo 11 moon landing was – according to Michael A. Hoffman’s mentor James Shelby Downard – one of three pivotal Freemasonic, Rosicrucian, Hermetic rituals of the 2Oth century, which they had been working toward since the days of Francis Bacon. 

“The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter”    = the detonation of three atomic bombs in 1945.

“The Killing of the Divine King”   = the Kennedy Assassination at noon at 33° latitude in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, 1963

“The Bringing of Prima Materia to Prima Terra.”   = the manned Moon Landing in 1969

As for the ‘mixed messages’ of Brother “Buzz” as “True Masonic Pioneer” on Freemason websites, and devout Christian taking “the body and blood of Christ” along for the Masonic rituals on Prima Materia. The rituals of the 33° are secret, though I’ve heard that either the 32° or 33° includes desecration.   Growing up in surrounded by Shriners I know that everything for them is a private joke. 

“Buzz” Aldrin, Jr. 33°, ‘Christian”

Comments for “Non-Masons Face Constant Discrimination”

JJ said (February 1, 2015):

First of all I have a problem with Bill Schnoebelen’s claim that he was a 90th degree mason, or some such number above 33. Some of his other claims make me wonder, too.

Everyone has experienced a Masonic shutout or traumatization with or without knowing it, most likely without. It infests families like a cancer or a virus. Not every single living male member of your family has to be Shriner or even a lodge member of any sort. Through marriage or any kind of association they can put their plans into fruition, and then you get it, and you get it hard. Lest we forget that the Elks, Kiwanis, Eastern Star (big time) and other “harmless” organizations are tributaries that flow from the big sea Kahuna of Masonry. Don’t forget fraternities and sororities.

Maybe you wondered why some kids in high school were obscenely popular when they had no admirable qualities. Why they could do nothing wrong or get into any real trouble. Surely they weren’t “Worshipful Masters” at the age of 17.

David K said (February 1, 2015):

I just had to comment on the first comment to this article. Dan talks about the moon landing and acknowledges it was a masonic ritual but then seems to actually believe they landed on the moon. The moon landing was one of the most ridiculous hoaxes ever and anyone who has looked at the evidence for themselves knows it was totally fake and nobody ever landed on the moon.

No wonder everything is a private joke to these secret society scum bags. What I have found recently is that the international space station is also a really poor hoax proven by their own footage of the station. And also satellites are another total hoax. All supposed satellite communication is really done by bouncing radio waves off the ionosphere. GPS is done this way too and relies on cell phone towers. The Hubble space telescope is also completely fake as are all its photos. Space travel is not even possible with existing technology.

Try to find a picture of a satellite or a picture of Earth from space. They are all fake, CGI crap. Once you look into this you will find for yourself that it is indeed a massive hoax. Another one is the nuclear bombs tests. All footage of nuclear bomb tests is also fake and really poor fake at that. Hiroshima was simply carpet bombed into oblivion. Its more than likely that to this day there are still no real atomic bombs.

So Russia, USA, China are all in on these hoaxes together, they all go to the International Space Station which does not exist. And think about all the countries and companies that claim to have satellites. They are all in on this hoax, lying to the public. This really is the top of the conspiracy, they have given us a view of the universe which is completely false, its made up of fake pictures and made up science. Truly the big bang theory, evolution and the huge expanding universe is a religion just like all the old religions where the masses believe what they are told by the elite.

Please look into the moon, space station, satellite and Hubble hoaxes. The evidence is overwhelming… This is the conspiracy that tops all others.

K said (February 1, 2015):

A personal experience as small contribution for the articles about masons.

I taught it was journalists exaggeration until the spouse of the director of the largest bank in my country (East Europe) told me that her husband was mason.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at

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