Saturday 24 January 2015

01-21-15 Wednesday: Andreas Antonopoulos (MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)

Andreas Antonopoulos

Bitcoin Foundation Debate

Radio/TV Show  •  Bitcoin
01-20-15 Cody Wilson – Bruce Fenton – Bitcoin Foundation Election Debate (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)

Program Date:  2015-01-20

   Cody Wilson (Defense Distributed & Dark Wallet) and Bruce Fenton (Consultant; Economic Advisor; President of the Bitcoin Associaton) a 3 hour debate. Should the Bitcoin Foundation exist and if so, for what purpose. +1 hr BONUS

Hour 1-2 — Andreas Antonopoulos (Coder, Entrepreneur, Commentator, Speaker, Writer) comes on the show to discuss the debate between Cody Wilson and Bruce Fenton and their run for the Board of the Bitcoin Foundation

Hour 3 — Freedom’s Phoenix Headline News

CALL IN TO SHOW: 602-264-2800


January 21st, 2015

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock

on LRN.FM / Monday – Friday

9 a.m. – Noon (EST)

Studio Line: 602-264-2800 


Hour 1

2015-01-21 Hour 1 Andreas Antonopoulos

(Video Loaded):


From: Cody Wilson []
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 12:11 PM
To: Ernest Hancock
Subject: Anonymity

Uh, I never said the Foundation should set any kind of development goal. I simply made the negative point that the Foundation would never support that goal! My position is abolition of the Foundation!!!


Cody R. Wilson

Managing Director 

Defense Distributed

2015-01-21 Hour 1 Andreas Antonopoulos from Ernest Hancock on Vimeo.

Andreas Antonopoulos

Coder, Entrepreneur, Commentator, Speaker, Writer, Andreas comes on the show to talk about the debate between Cody Wilson and Bruce Fenton in their run for Presienent of the Bitcoin Foundation; discussion will also touch on Bitcoin, Security, Anonymity, and the future of crptocurrency

Webpage: Antonopoulos.Com


03-11-14 Interview — Andreas Antonopoulos (3 hours+ MP3 & VIDEO LOADED)


Bitcoin-Powered Crowdfunding App Lighthouse Has Launched

Lighthouse, the bitcoin-powered crowdfunding application, has officially launched.

The beta version of the app, which developer Mike Hearn described as a specialized wallet for decentralized crowdfunding, is now publicly available for download.

The release follows months of development, which included an investment from noted bitcoin entrepreneur Olivier Janssens.

The app is designed to function as a streamlined tool for using smart contracts to commit pledges to particular projects, which can range from bitcoin development initiatives to charity drives. Currently, the only project available for Lighthouse is a 3.5 BTC fundraiser for Medic Mobile.


Hearn said in an interview that Lighthouse differs from platforms like Kickstarter for a number of reasons, including a lack of processing charges and a built-in gallery of projects.

On the latter point, Hearn suggested that project galleries should be just as decentralized as the funding element, and anticipates directories taking shape alongside a gallery he is hosting for Lighthouse initiatives.

He told CoinDesk:

“Lighthouse is really only about moving money around, and I think this is going to be one of the things that people find confusing about it. It’s not Kickstarter in a downloadable app that’s peer to peer to peer. It’s the way of handling bitcoins.”

How it works

Lighthouse employs a system of project files that enable users to make donations to projects of their choosing, as well as create their own. The first step involves setting up the wallet and depositing funds.


Supporters of a particular initiative can then download the project file and upload it to their Lighthouse wallet, which gives the user access to the project page where they can see the total amount being raised, past pledges and supportive messages for those involved.


According to Hearn, the app doesn’t necessarily need to function as a means for raising funds for development projects. Rather, he sees Lighthouse as a potential funding vehicle for a variety of purposes.


“I think its perfectly usable for people who are comfortable with bitcoin, but aren’t developers or are tech-savvy. You could crowdfund, you know, me and my friends go to a concert and we’ve got to ‘group buy’ concert tickets, or group buy a laser tag day or something.”

“It’s not a tool that I want or intend for only bitcoin developers to use,” he added. “Even though that may be where it starts.”

Breaking down crowdfunding

In tandem with Lighthouse lies the concept of the project gallery, of which Hearn’s Vinumeris Crypto Projects Gallery is the first of what he hopes to be a cluster of galleries that serve – or compete for – particular markets.


Hearn said that because Kickstarter is, at its heart, a project gallery and a financial gateway for funding, decentralizing that process can lead to a more vibrant process by which projects are discovered and supported.

“What I’d like to see, by unbundling these things, … is a competitive market of communities and community builders where people are building these project gallery sites,” he said. “People can compete on building really awesome sites.”

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