Wednesday 7 January 2015

California breaks ground on bullet train project despite opposition, as price tag soars

Excerpt from

Despite cost overruns, lawsuits, public opposition and a projected

completion date 13 years behind schedule, California Gov. Jerry Brown

broke ground Tuesday on what is to become the most expensive public

works project in U.S. history: the California bullet train. 

Over the next 1,000 days, California is estimated to spend roughly $4 million a day on the project. 

The high-speed train, set to be finished in 2033, originally was

supposed to deliver passengers from San Francisco to Los Angeles in two

hours and 40 minutes. That was the promise when voters narrowly approved

$10 billion in bonds for the project in 2008. Since then, however, the

estimated trip time has grown considerably, and the train has

encountered persistent problems — as experts uncovered

misrepresentations in the ballot proposition, and opponents sued to stop

the project on environmental and fiscal grounds. 

“We’re talking about real money here,” said Kris Vosburgh, executive

director of taxpayer watchdog group Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

“This is money that’s not available for health care or education, for

public safety, or put back in taxpayers’ pockets so they have something

to spend. This is money being drawn out of the system for a program that

is going to serve very few people.” 

Much about the project has changed since it was sold to the public. 

Voters were told the project would cost just $33 billion. Once

experts crunched the numbers, however, the price tag soared to $98

billion. It was supposed to whoosh riders from Southern California to

the Bay Area in less than three hours, but now it’s more than four hours

due to changing track configurations and route adjustments. The train

was supposed to get people off the freeway and reduce carbon emissions,

but a panel of experts now says any carbon savings will be nominal. (A drive by car takes just over 6 hours. Ed.) 

Further, ridership projections have been cut by two-thirds from a

projected 90 million to 30 million a year. Fewer riders means higher

prices. According to a panel of transportation experts hired by the

Reason Foundation, Citizens Against Government Waste and the Howard

Jarvis Taxpayers Association, tickets will exceed $80 — not $50 — and

the system will require annual subsidies of more than $300 million


“The public has turned sour on this plan but the governor, to

paraphrase Admiral Farragut, has taken a position of ‘damn the people,

full speed ahead’,” Vosburgh said. 

Undaunted by critics, Brown broke ground in Fresno on Tuesday on the

first 29-mile segment of the train’s system. Under Brown’s direction,

the California High Speed Rail Authority has gone to court to seek an

exemption from an environmental quality law the state imposes on other

projects but not this one. Brown also convinced the state Legislature to

dedicate an annual revenue stream from the state’s carbon tax, to help

pay for the bullet train. 

“It’s a long project, a bold project and one that will transform the

Central Valley,” Brown said Monday as he began his fourth and final term

as governor. 

Once construction begins, supporters say it will be harder to stop

the project. Several lawsuits linger, but a bigger question concerns the

money: Where will it come from? If every penny committed to the project

is added up, the project is still more than $30 billion short.

Republicans in Congress are vowing not to commit a dollar more than

President Obama approved in 2012. 

“For years now, Governor Brown and the high-speed rail authority have

turned the idea of high-speed rail into a public albatross far beyond

what Californians envisioned or voted for,” House Majority Leader Kevin

McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a statement released Tuesday. “Sadly,

today’s groundbreaking is a political maneuver. Supporters of the

railroad in Sacramento can’t admit their project is deeply flawed, and

they won’t give up on it despite the cost. But these political tricks

are exactly what the American people are tired of and what the new

Republican Congress is committed to ending.” 

Supporters don’t see waste. They argue the project will reduce

freeway gridlock, offer competition to air travel and provide an

alternative to trucking freight. 

Environmentalists also have opposed the project, suing and claiming

the construction project would harm 11 endangered species and worsen air

quality in the already dirty Central Valley. They lost when a federal

judge ruled the project did not have to adhere to the state

Environmental Quality Act, unlike other projects. Additional legal

challenges remain, but supporters believe once the train leaves the

station and ground is broken, there’s no going back. 

“The legacy of the Brown family is that they have been big thinkers,

but also big builders,” said Democratic state Assemblyman Henry Perea.

“I think this is an opportunity for the legislature to step up, support

Governor Brown. ”

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