Wednesday 7 January 2015

Free Travis Magill: Arrested for Self Defense vs. Police Brutality

An anonymous reader shared the content below, regarding a case in which a man was involved in an altercation between himself and two employees of the Corpus Christi Police Dept., via the Cop Block Submissions page. Although, Travis Magill was subsequently charged with two counts of attempted murder as a result, a dashcam video that has since been released “calls into question some of the accusations against him.


14963_914779441882746_7541053548757860712_n214963_914779441882746_7541053548757860712_n2Date of Incident: March 20, 2014
Individuals Involved: Officer Michael Scott Goodman, Officer Amador Gonzalez, at least one additional unidentified Officer.
Outfit: Corpus Christi (TX) Police Department
Phone: (361) 886-2600
Facebook Page: Corpus Christi Police Dept.
Area Cop Block Affiliate: Although there are numerous Cop Block groups (see bottom of post for list of known Texas affiliates) within Texas, currently there are no known groups in Corpus Christi. If you live in Corpus Christi, you can help promote accountability in your community by Starting a Local Group. In addition, if you live outside Texas you can find the appropriate affiliate in your area by consulting the Cop Block Groups page.

Could you please visit, like, and share the Facebook page: Free Travis Cody Magill? Travis is like a big brother to me always has been and he is innocent the officer should be in jail not Travis. He acted in self defense. The officer who caused all this just got off probation for shooting and killing a man in his own home. He needs to have his badge taken away and to be put in jail!!

Travis was walking home one day from helping a family friend out working on his car. His family lives in the country club area, which is a really nice area of town, and when he was walking he had been stopped by a officer. The officer asked what he was doing in the area and Travis told him. The officer then said they have had reports of burglaries in the area and that he was going to have to search him. Travis asked, “am I being detained?” and the officer said, “no.” So, he continued walking and the officer again said he has to search him. Travis then finally consented and allowed the officer to search him. Well, as you can see in the dash cam video on the Facebook page, a second officer pulls up.

At that time, Travis has his hands in front of him and he is calm and complying. However, this second officer who pulls up (if you look closely at the reflection on the other police car he pulls up behind) jumps out and then fires at Travis shooting him three times in the leg, chest, and hip area, for no reason. And he wouldn’t stop shooting, so Travis ran and hid behind a tree. Then the officer ran and got a shotgun, so Travis ran to the police cruiser and as he was running he was shot again. So, he got into the police cruiser and ducked and the officer blew out the windows and everything with a shotgun (he just wouldn’t stop shooting).

By this point, Travis had been shot three times and was in fear for his life. So, he took off to go get help (a hospital), but he kept drifting in and out of consciousness and he finally passed out and the vehicle crashed. Another officer caught up with him and pulled him out of the vehicle onto the ground and started kicking him in his ribs nonstop. Now Travis has problems breathing and pain in his ribs ever since. He is just now starting to get feeling back in his leg. He was in a wheelchair and they didn’t think he would ever be able to walk again. This was filmed and put online by a pedestrian, but only for a brief time. Now its gone and we cant find the video anywhere. We think the police department scared them into taking if down. And all this cause this second officer pulled up and pulled his gun out for no reason and shot him.

As you can see in the video, the situation was already under control. It’s this second officer who started all of this mess. This second officer also just got off probation for shooting and killing a man in his own home!! He should be in jail and have his badge taken away he should be in jail not Travis. This is still an open investigation and this man is still working and they even gave him an award. Travis is a good kid and was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He is an amazing person. Another reason they stopped him is cause they said he looked like he didn’t belong. Basically, he looked too poor to be in that area.

They said Travis shot both the cops when in reality Travis shot at the ground one time trying to get away. They also said he shot them three times, but only two of Travis’s shell casing were found they shot each other by mistake and the officers and are blaming him. Now they are charging him with two counts of attempted capital murder and one count of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. His bond is $750,000 and we are trying to get the word out about his case and what really happened. His trial is next month something needs to be done about the police here. They are out of hand. They arrested and beat up a 16 year old boy walking home not that long ago. They stopped him for no reason . And they arrested a man and beat him up so badly that he was in so much pain he hung himself in his cell. They are out of control and as for Travis he was just walking home. I don’t know if you can help us, but I had to give it a shot.

Thank you for reading this! (See below video for additional related links.)

Related Links:

Free Travis Cody Magill Facebook Page

KRISTV News: Dashcam Video Sheds New Light on Shootout

KRISTV News: Full-Coverage of Cody Magill Shooting Case petition: Free Travis Magill

Known Texas-Based Police Accountability Groups

If you live outside of Texas, you can find your own local Cop Block/Cop Watch group at the Cop Block Groups page. If there isn’t a local Cop Block affiliate in your area yet, you can help advocate for accountability in your area by Starting a Cop Block group yourself.

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