Sunday 29 March 2015

Boral Cement & EPA corruption

Corrupt Boral Cement & EPA

Postby Bowral NSW » Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:40 pm

Don’t bother complaining to:


Operations Manager

Telephone: 02 4860 2267

Mobile: 0401894120

Fax: 02 4860 2388


Boral Cement, Taylor Avenue New Berrima, Berrima NSW 2577

New Berrima residents in the Southern Highlands are familiar with the very loud Boral Cement plant in their neighborhood. If any Real Estate agent tries to sell you a property in New Berrima, make sure you run like hell. You will never get a quiet night’s sleep ever again. :((

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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:30 pm

In relation to the subject complaint, please be advised that Berrima Cement Works holds an Environment Protection Licence (Lic. No. 1698) issued by the NSW EPA. Accordingly, all complaints about environmental performance of this business should be made to the NSW EPA on phone 131 555 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Kind regards

Denis Boulavine Environmental Health Officer

Wingecarribee Shire Council

Civic Centre, Elizabeth St. Moss Vale, NSW 2577 | PO Box 141 Moss Vale NSW 2577. DX 4961 Bowral

t: (02) 4868 0857 f: (02) 4869 1203


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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:31 pm

Boral Cement Works, Berrima, holds a licence with the EPA under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act (POEO Act); and operates with planning permission granted by Council. This means some issues are handled by the EPA; and others by Council.

The issue of the site being allowed to operate near homes is a planning decision; and should therefore be directed to the Council. Councils usually issue planning permission with ‘consent conditions’ which are attached to the Development Approval (DA). These consent conditions are likely to specify the hours of operation; and also sometimes maximum noise levels at the boundary of the site. If the site is operating outside those hours you should direct the complaint to the Council.

Regarding the EPA licence; which usually controls pollution such as noise, water pollution, dust and other air emissions; and which also specifies reporting requirements of the company. If you wish to have a noise complaint investigated by the EPA you need to be precise and specific; as explained in my previous email. This is generally much easier in a conversation; as the operators can ask questions if the detail you provide is not sufficient. You can phone us 24/7 on 131-555 (select option 1); but for your first report it would be preferable to ring during business hours, 8.30am-5pm weekdays.. Myself or another Environment Line officer can then record the details of your complaint and they can be investigated by an EPA field officer.

You can view the EPA licence number 1698 for this site on the Public Register, at … tus=Issued

I hope this has been helpful.



Snr Information Officer


Ph; 131-555

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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:28 am

Using a sound meter app on my phone. Sensitivity on my phone is no where near the quality of a proper industrial sound meter.



Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

2015-02-07T01-09-38IMG.jpg (66.35 KiB) Viewed 278 times

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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:00 pm

Dear Sandra

Snr Information Officer


Ph; 131-555

As suspected, below is a reply from the council confirming that there is no noise level limits or hours of operation limits for Boral Cement at New Berrima.

I will not be attending any useless Boral meetings. Many locals have attended these meetings for years, without any success.

Please advise on next step to take.



From: Graeme Hewat []

Sent: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 3:18 PM


Cc: Denise (

Subject: New Berrima Cement Works

Good after noon

Denis has copied me into a email conservation that you have been having with the EPA.

Part of the RPA officers response is a little puzzling, regarding the planning issues. Simply there has been a cement works on the site since 1928, and New Berrima evolved as a company town to house workers at the cement works.

The plant has expanded over the years, with approvals given by Council for minor works, and the state Department of Planning for major up grades.

As noted in the EPA response the, EPA licence which regulates the operation of the cement works has a contact line for the public to report breaches in noise. I notice that you have initially made contact with Mr Stuart Hutchings regarding this matter, which is what the company encourages. Should you not find the out come of that acceptable there is the EPA 24/7 COMPLAINTS LINE 131-555 SELECT OPTION 1.

The cement works is having a meeting on Thursday on March 5 to discuss environmental and operational matters associated with the operation of the cement works.

Should you have concerns I would suggest that you phone 48602268 to registrar your interest in attending.



From: Environment Line []

Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2015 12:39 PM


Subject: RE: FW: Your complaint – Berrima Cement Works – Environment Protection Licence (Lic. No. 1698) [ [ ref:_00D90ZANp._50090fmG6P:ref ]


Boral Cement Works, Berrima, holds a licence with the EPA under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act (POEO Act); and operates with planning permission granted by Council. This means some issues are handled by the EPA; and others by Council.

The issue of the site being allowed to operate near homes is a planning decision; and should therefore be directed to the Council. Councils usually issue planning permission with ‘consent conditions’ which are attached to the Development Approval (DA). These consent conditions are likely to specify the hours of operation; and also sometimes maximum noise levels at the boundary of the site. If the site is operating outside those hours you should direct the complaint to the Council.

Regarding the EPA licence; which usually controls pollution such as noise, water pollution, dust and other air emissions; and which also specifies reporting requirements of the company. If you wish to have a noise complaint investigated by the EPA you need to be precise and specific; as explained in my previous email. This is generally much easier in a conversation; as the operators can ask questions if the detail you provide is not sufficient. You can phone us 24/7 on 131-555 (select option 1); but for your first report it would be preferable to ring during business hours, 8.30am-5pm weekdays.. Myself or another Environment Line officer can then record the details of your complaint and they can be investigated by an EPA field officer.

You can view the EPA licence number 1698 for this site on the Public Register, at … tus=Issued

I hope this has been helpful.



Snr Information Officer


Ph; 131-555

————— Original Message —————


Sent: 05/02/2015 11:49


Subject: RE: FW: Your complaint – Berrima Cement Works – Environment Protection Licence (Lic. No. 1698) [ ref:_00D90ZANp._50090fmG6P:ref ]

Hi Sandra,

So much noise comes from your Boral Cement plant every night. It’s like sleeping on an airport runway and listening to a jumbo jet take off. How is a plant allowed to operate next door to residential homes, I will never know. Shouldn’t there be noise level limits in place for a residential area, especially at nights and early mornings?


From: Environment Line []

Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2015 11:40 AM


Subject: RE: FW: Your complaint – Berrima Cement Works – Environment Protection Licence (Lic. No. 1698) [ ref:_00D90ZANp._50090fmG6P:ref ]

Dear Mr

Did you copy the EPA into this email because you wish to make an official report of the problem? If so, we need more precise information. Please advise at what time the jack hammering occurred; and for how long it lasted (eg date or date range; time or time range) and explain how it affected you. For example, could you not hear the television at normal volume; or did it prevent you sleeping; or did it wake you up.

You might find that a phone call to Environment Line (ph 131-555) is the quickest way to report this. This phone line is staffed 24/7.



Snr Information Officer


Ph; 131-555

————— Original Message —————


Sent: 02/02/2015 15:33


Subject: FW: Your complaint – Berrima Cement Works – Environment Protection Licence (Lic. No. 1698)


Sent: 2015/01/28 04:50:39

To: <>; Hutchings, Stuart <>;;;

Subject: RE: Jack Hammering Noise from New Berrima Site

Hello again Stuart,

So much noise comes from your Boral Cement plant every night. It’s like sleeping on an airport runway and listening to a jumbo jet take off. How is a plant allowed to operate next door to residential homes, I will never know.

Shouldn’t there be noise level limits in place for a residential area, especially at nights and early mornings?

Why is Wingecarribee Council turning a blind eye to all this? I have heard of peoples stories and experiences of how corrupt the council is. Might explain how things are the way they are.


From: Hutchings, Stuart []

Sent: Monday, 12 January 2015 12:18 PM


Cc: Ford, Craig; Hazeltine, Paul; Paicu, Gabriel

Subject: Jack Hammering Noise from Berrima Site

I received notification of a concern you raised regarding a jack hammering noise at night from the Berrima plant.

I must firstly apologies for any disturbance from our plant.

The noise you noticed was the result of removal of refractory from our kiln as part of the current kiln major repair work which we carry out each year. Unfortunately this work typically requires operation 24 hrs per day for a short period of time however we will look at our options going forward in future shuts to see what we can do to keep the noise down. This work has now been completed.

If you would like to discuss this matter further I would be happy to do so via the contact numbers below.

Once again I apologies for any concern this incident has caused you.




Operations Manager

Telephone: 02 4860 2267

Mobile: 0401894120

Fax: 02 4860 2388


[Inline image URL : about:blank]

Boral Cement

Taylor Avenue New Berrima, Berrima NSW 2577

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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:26 pm

Boral Cement noise limits


Boral Cement Berrima - Environment Protection Licnece 1698_noise limits.jpg

Boral Cement is in breach of their EPA license.

Boral Cement Berrima – Environment Protection Licnece 1698_noise limits.jpg (185.15 KiB) Viewed 144 times

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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:50 pm

Thank you Matt,

In Section L6.2 it states in Argyle street near Taylor Avenue New Berrima, noise levels should be no greater than 40db for a 15 minute period at night time. It’s 10.44 pm right now and I have readings of 56db all night long. Boral Cement is in breach of their EPA license.


From: Matthew Fuller []

Sent: Tuesday, 3 March 2015 6:23 PM


Subject: Boral Cement Berrima


I’ve attached a copy of the Environment Protection Licence for Boral Cement Berrima (number 1698) as discussed.

In the section titled “Limits” there are specific noise limits outlined in table L6.1 for Day, Evening and Night.

If you have any questions give me a call.


Matt Fuller

Regional Operations Officer| NSW Environment Protection Authority |

: (02) 42244100 | : (02) 42244110 |


12-03-2015 Argyle st.jpg

Boral Cement New Berrima

12-03-2015 Argyle st.jpg (58.37 KiB) Viewed 143 times

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Re: Boral Cement Plant in New Berrima noisy day and night

Postby Bowral NSW » Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:15 pm

Hi Matt,

That is sad to hear, Boral can continue doing what they want. Sounds to me like the EPA license they have benefits Boral Cement only. Sad to see that the EPA are more like controlled opposition for Big Money. Corruption is everywhere I’m afraid.


From: Matthew Fuller []

Sent: Friday, 13 March 2015 11:01 AM


Subject: RE: Boral Cement New Berrima


The 2 sets of noise limits on the Berrima licence at the moment relate to just the 2 specific areas of the plant, cement mill 7 and the Kiln 6 upgrade project.

To monitor these is complicated requiring some on/off monitoring with the various areas of the plant, as well as allowing for the contributions from background noise in the area.

EPA and Boral are working toward having noise limits on the licence that will cover noise from the whole plant so will be easier to understand. These will be put on the licence soon.

If you would like to discuss just give me a call.


Matt Fuller

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Re: Corrupt Boral Cement & EPA of NSW

Postby Bowral NSW » Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:09 pm

Hi again Matt,

Sorry I missed your calls twice. I tried also calling you. Maybe we can talk tomorrow. Meanwhile I will show you a picture of cement dust all over my car from Boral Cement plant. Every time I try to use the wipers it just scratches the windshield.



Boral cement dust.jpg

Boral cement dust covering vehicles in New Berrima

Boral cement dust.jpg (204.7 KiB) Viewed 30 times

Boral Cement dust over cars.jpg

Boral Cement dust storms over New Berrima

Boral Cement dust over cars.jpg (654.4 KiB) Viewed 115 times

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Re: Corrupt Boral Cement & EPA

Postby Bowral NSW » Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:26 pm

EPA – Environmental protection Authority should change their name to CPA – Corporate protection Authority.

EPA protects corporations, not the environment. $-)

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