Tuesday 31 March 2015

Uber Driver Harassed by Unknown NYPD Officer (VIDEO)

“This guy’s just a dick… to put it mildly.”nypdnypdnypd

Those were the words of the passenger of the alleged Uber driver whom is verbally abused by a plain clothes New York City police officer. The just over three minute video was sent to CopBlock.org via the submission tab with just the link to the video. So I’m unsure if the driver or passenger submitted it. According to the description in the YouTube channel, Sanjay Seth:

Police abuse of Uber driver in New York City. In an unmarked car, the policeman was allegedly attempting to park without using his blinker at a green light. (His reverse lights weren’t on. Likely double parked without hazards on.) The Uber driver pulled around and gestured that he should use his blinker, casually and non-offensively, and kept driving us. The policeman aggressively pulls up behind us and this is what happens.


(This occurred just before 2pm on the West side of Manhattan, in police precinct 6, on March 30th, 2015. The officer did not identify himself, but he had a New York license plate: GSS 8891)

That’s right, as if New York City cops needed anymore attention this plain clothes jackboot goes nuts-O over a hand gesture? Aside from slamming on the car, with what I assume are his fist, the NYPD officer yells at the poor driver throughout the video. Even when the driver is trying to take his passengers advice and respond with just ‘yes sir, no sir,’ it infuriates the officer. Who demands the driver stop interrupting him and continues his out of control rant. Concluding it with, “Especially the people you’re doing it to are the police” and then asking, “How long have you been in this country?” As if how long the driver has been in the country has anything to do with the officer failing to put on a blinker or taking offense to a honk and hand gesture? Nope, it just further highlights the double standard, controlling nature of the police today, especially in New York City.


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Source Article from http://www.copblock.org/118303/police-abuse-of-uber-driver-in-new-york-city/

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