Tuesday 31 March 2015

MI6 chief says service is in 'technology arms race' with terrorists and criminals

Britain’s intelligence agencies are engaged in a “technology arms race” with terrorists, cybercriminals and other “malicious actors” bent on causing the country harm, the head of MI6 has warned.

Alex Younger said the agencies were facing opponents “unconstrained by consideration of ethics and law” who were exploiting internet technology to put lives at risk.

In his first public comments since taking over last year as chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) – as MI6 is more properly known – Younger said traditional human espionage was becoming increasing intertwined with “technical operations”.

Speaking to an invited audience in London, he said that using the internet and big data had enabled the agencies to “sharpen some very human characteristics” of their work.

Source Article from https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/173405-2015-03-30-mi6-chief-says-service-is-in-technology-arms-race-with.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS

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