Sunday 29 March 2015

Was Roswell UFO Crash A Secret Nazi Aircraft?

 naziufo bell

Excerpt from

The Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash of 1947 was the result of — here

it comes, wait for it — top secret Nazi technology. No alien

spacecraft, no alien bodies, but an aircraft called the “Bell” (depicted

above from a 2008 Discovery Channel documentary)…


be sure, it’s questionable what actually happened in the outskirts of

that small town 67 years ago. But it’s also questionable if this film

will ever see the light of day. 

At least, here’s the most

truthful thing known about the incident: Something came out of the sky

in July 1947 and crashed on a ranch near Roswell. But what that

“something” was has become a nearly 70-year-old legend.


from extraterrestrial spacecraft to weather balloon to military high

altitude device for spying on Soviet nuclear testing has been offered

for the identity of the crashed object.

And now, the film,

supposedly called “UFOs and the Third Reich,” is promoting another

theory: A 10-foot-wide, 12-foot-high, anti-gravity, bell-shaped craft,

combining rocket and helicopter technology, created by Nazi Germany,

fell into the hands of the U.S. in 1943, who further developed the

project. An alleged test of the Bell resulted in its crash, which became

the event that started the Roswell UFO saga.

Stories about the

Nazi Bell have cropped up in the UFO literature for many years,

including Discovery Channel’s 2008 “Nazi UFO Conspiracy.” 

Watch Discovery Channel’s “Nazi UFO Conspiracy” below: 


is what I saw, with my own eyes — a Nazi UFO,” German aeronautical

engineer Georg Klein is reputed to say in “UFOs and the Third Reich.” “I

don’t consider myself a crackpot or eccentric or someone given to


The new film is also rumored to focus on German

engineer, Joseph Andreas Epp, who reportedly worked on a UFO project

which resulted in several saucer-shaped vehicles that supposedly

included dome-shaped cabins and a rotating rim.

“The wing blades

would be allowed to rotate freely as the saucer moved forward, as in an

auto-gyrocopter,” Epp said. “In all probability, the wing blades speed

— and so, their lifting value — could also be increased by directing

the adjustable horizontal jets slightly upwards to engage the blades,

thus spinning them faster at the digression [sic] of the pilot.”


the so-called Bell UFO is what actually crashed outside of Roswell in

1947, it would contradict the many military eyewitnesses who eventually

came forward and described the physical appearance and otherworldy

characteristics of the object that fell out of the New Mexico sky — not

to mention their descriptions of several small humanoid occupants of

the craft.

This isn’t the first time we’ve looked at the so-called Nazi-UFO-Alien connection.


in 2011, investigative reporter Annie Jacobsen raised a controversial

question in her book about the top secret Nevada military base, known as

Area 51: Did former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin recruit Josef Mengele,

the Nazi “Angel of Death,” to surgically alter children to look like aliens in 1947, and did they place these malformed adolescents on board a Soviet spy plane to be part of the Roswell UFO crash?


the beginning of 2014, we examined a wild story that suggested the U.S.

government has been under the control of a shadow government overseen

by extraterrestrials who helped Nazi Germany’s rise in the 1930s.


current German documentary certainly won’t bring more answers to the

Roswell debate. At the very least, it offers further questions about who

and what to believe of the biggest UFO controversy in history.


oh, there’s one other thing about this “new” film. Whoever the

producers of it are, they don’t seem too interested in releasing any

promotional clips, trailers or still images from it. An extensive

Internet search hasn’t turned up anything — yet.

Source Article from

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