Tuesday 21 April 2015

Chemtrails Artwork Adorns Cover of NHC End-Of-Life Planning Brochure


PLAN FOR ALZHEIMERS? – “The booklet uses some of the terms contained within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act (2005)”
Chemtrails Planning For Your Future Care NHS BrochureISBN 978 1 908874 01 6

One way of making people aware of your wishes is by a process that is called advance care planning.

This booklet provides a simple explanation about advance care planning and the different options open to you. The booklet uses some of the terms contained within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act (2005), so some of the language used may be new to you.

  • Complete “Planning For Your Future Care” Brochure (PDF)

  • Online Link: HERE

Video Caption:  “This is a video of the front and back covers of a recent NHS leaflet given to those who deal or live with dementia. It is strange in the extreme that the NHS should have commissioned a photograph of chemtrails in view of the controversy surrounding the subject. A sick joke, perhaps, poking fun at the lobotomised public? Well, if not, it’s just a weird coincidence.”

Source Article from http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2015/04/20/chemtrails-artwork-adorns-cover-of-nhc-end-of-life-planning-brochure/

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